Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Search

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"WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW?" Kai asked. Now that was a really good question, Will thought. Shay sighed, "Good question," she said as dragged a chair and sat down at the dining table.

Something wet hit Will's hand, and he looked down in alarm but relaxed immediately after seeing it was Leo. He patted Leo's nose and smiled at him. His dad and Jessica went back to their work yesterday morning and all their friends were back at this house to keep them company. Yesterday consisted of hauling all their clothes and chargers and things back, arranging them neatly.

Kai let out a breath, "What Rose told the day before yesterday does make sense. I mean, everything George spoke in that conversation was in a hurry except for that part. He enunciated every word in that sentence. Except for that sentence, he spoke everything else so quickly that it was hard for me to catch up to what he said."

Rose lay her head on the surface of the dining table, "The only thing we know right now certainly is that Vyper is behind all of these killings, but we don't have the proof. George spoke about jotting all those points in that book, so the next step we should probably take is to get hold of that book before someone else gets it before us."

"When?" Jade asked, pushing the hair out of her eyes impatiently. "So that's it? We are going to George's house for sure?" Theo asked slowly.

"This is something many people have risked their lives for, Theo. People who have involved themselves, in this case, are killed, and we are the only group of lucky people who know Vyper's dark and dirty secrets and still are alive. I think we should use to take this as an advantage and do something effective which will put these killings to a stop. We can't just sit here and watch as more and more innocent people get killed, can we?" Will said.

Theo raised his hands, "I know this is important. But I'm pretty sure George's house is being watched. What if we simply misinterpreted his words by thinking about the conversation over and over again? What if the sentence didn't mean anything and George just chose the wrong words in that stressful situation. I mean, he accepted the truth as it was and was ready to die for it, and proper vocabulary would probably be the last thing in his mind that day."

"No, no," Rose shook her head. "I've never been this certain about anything else in my life. I'm sure George hinted us that. If not, what's wrong with looking into it? What's the worst that could happen?"

A pause. Theo spoke again, "According to the hospital which performed George's autopsy, George died ten minutes before he was discovered by the police, which means that it was mostly right after his phone call with us. This means that the person who released the aerosol suicide serum listened to our conversation. The Vyper's spy might know about us, know that we have a good friendship with George, but he even noticed that George didn't tell us anything but only told us that it was Vyper which was behind this. They know that we can't just accuse someone without any proof, and that's the reason we are still alive. George's house is being watched by them and there's a possibility that even we might be under their scrutiny. If we are doing this, then we must be sure about this. It must be worth the risk. We can only do it once."

They nodded thoughtfully. After twenty minutes of weighing the pros and cons, they decided that it was worth the risk and that they are going to get that book. Now, the only question was-

"When?" Shay asked and Will glanced at his watch, then back at Shay, "Maybe tonight? The quicker we do it, the better. We have enough time to plan the exact time and how we will manage to get that book."

"How?" Rose asked after a short silence. "It's a very very very bad idea to break into the house. It would not only attract the attention of Vyper but the police too," Jade said, shaking her head in disapproval. "Then how?" Kai asked again.

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