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Once in the hallway, a woman, Zeus's age clad in a conservative dress and makeup she tried to pass as natural, spotted Hera and began to stroll over to her, heels clanking on the hospital floor. "Oh my, Hera, what happened?" The woman said in a voice dramatic enough to perform Shakespeare.

"Hello, Metis, what're you doing here?" Hera said in a displeased voice.

Metis huffed, "I am his ex-wife, I can still care about him. I mean, isn't that why you're here?"

Annoyed, Hera replies, "We're still married."Hera's fist was clenched at her side.

"Are you?" Metis said condescendingly, "I thought he would've replaced his tart by now."

"Excuse me, Metis, but we have two kids together," Hera defended her place.

Metis laughed, "Well, he left Athena and I didn't he? What's stopping him from doing the same to you?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't I been married to him longer than you were?"

Metis was taken aback, but not defeated. "Yes, I guess he didn't appreciate me interfering with his lewd behavior." Metis smiled, "My self-respect is way too high to him, but I applaud you for not having the same issue."

Metis struck a nerve, but Hera wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. Calmly she asked, "Why are you here, Metis, really?"; her tone was bleaker than she meant for it to sound.

"As I said, darling, he's my ex-husband. I want to reconcile with him just in case-"

"Nothing will happen." Hera denied.

"Well, just in case, I'd like to reconcile things for me and Athena's sake; so where is he?"

Hera exhaled, "He's still incapacitated at the moment."

Metis eyed her, "I'll wait." She walked over to the waiting room.

Hera and ZeusWhere stories live. Discover now