Chapter 26

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During my stay in Etria, I managed to hire a few more specialists for my clinic and settle some matters. James had an internship during that and I couldn't see him, but I know it's really important for him. Now it was time for me to go back to Ravendale.

In Etria I could enjoy watching TV and eating snacks, while in Ravendale there is no TV nor snacks like in Etria. At least, my sleeping pattern improved in Ravendale, and in the manor, I'm always given a balanced meal, but sometimes I've been craving Etrian snacks.

I hope James will be denied entry to Ravendale because he doesn't know the rules here. Also, I don't want to know how my husbands would react if they know I have a lover. Of course, it's acceptable to have lovers as long as I don't plan to divorce my husbands if they don't want to divorce me. If they don't want to divorce me and find out that I want to divorce them, because of James, I will be in deep trouble.

In the articles, I've read that men in Ravendale are taught methods of how to keep a wife from divorcing. The method is effective and does not need to physically hurt a wife to achieve it, it's more like convincing a woman that what the men would say or brainwashing that what the women would say.

There is no exact way to describe the exact method because every man uses different methods. The one thing I know is that it's easier to use the method if a woman lives in a house that belongs to her husband.

I don't know if they would want me to stay with them or they would want to divorce me, but I know I don't want to find out which method my husbands prefer to use.

As always I was too lazy to change into Ravendalian clothes when I arrived in Bridleshore. So I instantly headed to the train station.

I was lucky that my cabin was empty, so I enjoyed looking at the scenery behind the window. Somehow, I felt more at ease returning to Ravendale, than before. Maybe, because of the sunny weather or because I know what I'm going to do in Ravendale.

Even though the thought of my husbands finding out that I want to be with James scares me and what they are going to do with me, if they do find out, I guess I'll just face them bravely. The contract says that our marriage is six months long and it doesn't say that I'm not allowed to cheat.

But who knows maybe they don't care if I have a lover or not.

I have only four and half months left until I can divorce them and then I can be with James.

At first, when I moved into Ivyvale, I thought I would have to spend every day confronting or arguing with them since there are rumors that they were cruel when they dealt with their previous fiances. But for some reason, I didn't have to argue with them.

I guess they are reasonable, I'm curious about what happened between my husbands and their previous fiances that lead to those scary rumors. To know their secrets, I would need to sacrifice my secrets. I guess I would never know.

The train stopped in Mountainville and I got out of the train and headed to my small manor. Marie and Alice greeted me. I handed them documents and changed into a Lavender colored dress.

"You sure you don't want to stay here for one night? Wouldn't you be tired?" Marie asked me.

"No, After I eat lunch I'll go back to Ivyvale," I answered Marie.

"You want to return to Ivyvale that badly?" Marie teased and I just rolled my eyes.

"No, I just want to return to Ivyvale, so I would have more time to relax," I said.

"How typical," Marie said and she left me to eat alone.

After I ate my lunch I decided to go to the train station so I could go back to Ivyvale.

It was a peaceful ride and no one was waiting for me at the train station in Ivyvale. Well, I never said exactly when I will arrive in Ivyvale and I did come back early, so my husband does not expect me to come back until tomorrow.

When I arrived at the Amethyst manor, I paid a coachman to take me to the manor and grabbed baggage and Elizabeth's birthday gift.

I was greeted by the black jaguar. I got scared when I saw him and I couldn't move my body out of fear. The jaguar was just circling me, he didn't hiss or growl at me just circled out of curiosity.

"Don't be afraid. It's Nathaniel in his shifter form. He wouldn't hurt you." Alexander said to me.

Alexander came up to me and took my baggage.

"We just didn't expect you to come back early." Alexander gave me a small smile and led me back to the manor and Nathaniel walked next to me.

"Well, I didn't know which day was Elizabeth's birthday, so I decided to come back early. By the way, do you think she will like this gift?" I gave Alexander the bag which contains a medium-size bunny plushie and chocolate. Alexander took the box and took out of the bag the bunny.

"I think she would like it," Alexander said and smiled.

We went back to the manor.


Oof , I really wonder how they will react, hmmm.

Here is the meme I made for you readers, the meme that I always post to promote my story XD

Here is the meme I made for you readers, the meme that I always post to promote my story XD

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Hope you guys enjoyed reading my  chapter :)
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