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"Okay, bring yourself together, Lee Jeno. You can do this." Jeno whispered to himself while staring at the mirror. He was really afraid to ruin the beautiful friendship that he had with Jaemin, but at the same time he couldn't deny all of his feelings.

Now that he thought a little bit more about it maybe he had been in love with Jaemin for a while. Ever since that night that they spent at the beach he started to look at Jaemin differently. He was so different and unique and it made him fluttered and curious.

Jeno left his room and headed to the door. "Where are you going?" his dad asked when he saw his son opening the door. "It's late..."

"I'm just going to the park," Jeno replied. "I'll be right back."

"Why? Is Mark in trouble again?"

Jeno laughed. "No, he's fine." he said and bit his lower lip. He was not able to hide secrets from his dad. "Remember that boy, Jaemin?"

Mr. Lee nodded. "Hm... What about him?"

"Well... I kind of like him and I need to confess before he hates me." Jeno admitted and then avoid his father's gaze. His dad was comfortable with his son's sexual orientation but Jeno never knew how he would react if he decided to date a boy. Even if Mark and Haechan were always welcomed at their house and his dad found them lovable. " Are you okay with it?"

"If he makes you happy, then it's fine." Mr. Lee said and sat down on the couch. "Just don't be out until late and don't be weird!"

"Dad! I am not weird!" Jeno exclaimed, not quite believing what his dad just said.

"When you're nervous, you tend to say stupid things..." Jeno just rolled his eyes. " Well, have fun son!"

"Thank you." Jeno said and blowed a kiss to his dad leaving right after.

The walk to the park was really short since it was just two streets away. Jeno felt himself sweating as he got closer to the park where Jaemin was already at.

Jeno breathed heavily and repeated in his mind "C'mon Jeno, you can do it.". Jaemin looked anxious and cold. Maybe it was a little rushed to ask him out of nowhere to leave his house but Jeno was afraid he wouldn't be able to say it later.

"Jaemin!" Jeno said making Jaemin turn around quickly. "Am I late?"

The other smiled. "No, I just got here too."

"I'm sorry I ignored you..." Jeno said swinging his foot and kicking a small rock that was on the ground. "I am a real dick."

"What did I do wrong?" Jaemin said with a sad voice. "We had such a great night and then out of the blue you acted like I am just a crazy stalker and left me on read... ."

"I'm really sorry, Jaemin." Jeno took a step further and finally stared directly at the boy in front of him. "The truth is that I acknowledged how I felt and I didn't know what to do with it."

Jaemin got closer to Jeno. This time he had a bright smile on his face. "How do you feel, Lee Jeno?"

"I like you. As in more than a friend. As in you drive me crazy because you're unbelievably nice and caring, sweet and handsome." Jeno said quickly never breaking the eye contact. "I thought I'd ruin this friendship if I told you how I felt but I couldn't hide it anymore. You really drive me nuts."

Jaemin laughed a little loud; Jeno was actually mesmerized with his laugh and how beautiful it was. "We're both dumb as fuck, Lee Jeno."


"Literally everybody told us we liked each other but we rather believe that we didn't like each other than bringing ourselves to confess." he commented. "We're unbelievably stupid."

"So you like me too?"

"Yes, I like you Jeno." Jaemin held his hand and intertwined their fingers. " I really thought you liked girls and I literally cried for an entire day because I had no chances."

"You like me that much?"

"No," Jaemin blushed. "I-I... Hum... It's silly."

"No, tell me. It's okay."

Jaemin exhaled. "Well, kids used to tell me that I wouldn't find somebody because I am to affectionated and I like cuddles and kisses and late night dates, but you were so chill about it. You accepted my invitations to have snacks late at night and even though you joked around you never showed any signs of hating my skinship."

"And also you're unbelievably handsome. Your smile is really out of this world and I like you so so much, Jeno."

Jeno pulled Jaemin by waist, gluing their bodies together. "I like your affection, I really do." he smiled. "So, I know it's late today so let's leave it to another day, but would you go out with me, on a date?"

"Yes, I'd love that." Jaemin whispered. "We can do it tomorrow?"

"Hm." the older smiled caring. "Now, let me walk you home, boyfriend."

"B-boyfriend??" Jaemin shuttered.

"Yes, aren't you my boyfriend now?"

"Well, hum. Yeah, sure. We can be boyfriends." Jaemin said and kept on holding the other's hand. "But you don't need to walk me home...I'll be fine."

"I don't care. I'm walking you home." Jeno started to walk with Jaemin by his side while both of them were smiling really hard. They were both so happy about being together.

"So, about tomorrow... Do you want to go to the cinema?" Jaemin asked. "and then let's have dinner."

"Sounds like a great plan." Jeno stopped at Jaemin's door and let go of his hand. " So I guess, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yes." Jaemin nodded.

The moon was full and the stars were beautiful, but not as beautiful as the universe that Jeno saw on Jaemin's eyes. He couldn't wait a day to do it, so he grabbed Jaemin by his waist and stared deep into his eyes. He pressed his lips gently and sweetly against Jaemin's ones, not giving him time to react.

"That was a pretty lame first kiss Jeno..." Jaemin teased.

"I'll do it properly next time." Jeno winked. "Now, go inside or your parents will wonder what you're doing."

Jaemin nodded. "Text me as soon as you get home, okay?"

"I will. Have a good night." Jeno kissed Jaemin's forehead and showed him a bright smile.

"Good night, Jeno."

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