An apology

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Hello everyone. It's been a while, huh? I just wanted to say that I am deeply sorry for leaving out of no where and I felt that it was time that you all had an explanation, as to why.

The year I left was such a hard one for me. I was struggling with finding myself as a person and I felt that my mental health was more of a priority than this, no matter how much I enjoyed writing for you all. Updating these stories took a lot out of me, since I was dealing with so much and eventually I couldn't keep it up and fell out of writing. It's a fact that saddened me deeply.  On top of the updating schedule being emotionally damaging, I didn't feel connected with the main characters as much as I thought I was. I discovered I was a trans man in the time I was gone and I write my stories from an inner sense of self. Meaning, the characters are a reflection of me. But, given that I couldn't read my work without cringing from reading 'she', I decided to hide from writing anything else; which wasn't fair to you all.

Don't misunderstand me. I loved writing my stories here and I still love creating stories that readers love in return. I loved when I had such positive feedback from you all and seeing the notifications and questions as to where I had gone to piling up, I decided that it was time to own up and tell you all why I stopped updating, instead of hiding from the fact that it was far too late to do anything.

I probably won't be continuing my story, I'm still debating it at the moment. However this isn't the end of my fanfic career and I do plan on writing more ship based works on AO3 in the future. Again, I'm sorry for the year long wait and I hope you all respect my reasons and decisions.

Thank you all for being so invested in my stories up until now, I truly appreciate every single one of my readers. I love you all and on whatever website it may be on: until the next story


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