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THE two had managed to text until midnight. They got along together, their conversation ranging from multiple topics. Soon, they called it a night and said their goodbyes. Chaebyeol plugged her phone in to charge before crashing into the comfort of her bed. The warmth of her sheets encompassed her, and before she knew it, she was already drifting into her dream world.

        Her dream tonight had never been at all like it usually was. She was in a field? A blurry figure stood in the distance, catching the female's sight. Chaebyeol squinted her eyes in attempt to make the figure's face out. Her dream self began to trudge closer. Suddenly she fell, the figure immediately fading away. The sudden memories from a past night flew by.

        Close by, she could make out two people. It was her... and Chan? 'What's he doing in my dream?' she thought, tilting her head in curiosity, before continuing to watch. It was the same exact thing that had happened the day she had met up with Minho.

The girl decided to walk backwards in order to maintain eye contact with Chan as they walked. However, she hadn't noticed the curb that she was about to fall off of. Her foot had suddenly slipped. Just as she was about to fall, Chan dropped the umbrella and caught the girl. The scene was just as dramatic as that of a drama's. Chaebyeol leaned back on Chan's arms, not wanting to open her eyes.

"I'm dead right-?" she questioned, only getting a laugh from Chan. "Nope, you're fine." he replied. Chaebyeol finally opened her eyes to find the male staring straight at her. "AHAHHAHA THANKS FOR SAVING ME, I'M REALLY TIRED, LETS GO." Chan continued to laugh before standing the girl up. He then walked over to the fallen umbrella and pick it up. Looking over, he found Chaebyeol just standing in her place. He simply walked over to her, taking her hand and pulled her back under the umbrella.

"Slick fucker." she grimaced, slapping her head in frustration. 'You actual idiot.' she then sighed as she watched her flustered self from afar. Her eyes now shifted up to watch the male. Some sort of force urged her to continue watching him. Maybe it was the bright aura coming from his soft smile. Maybe it was that addiction to his small dimple. Maybe it was that small eye smile he'd have.

She had now suddenly found her in the shoes of the version she had been watching earlier. She was in the arms of her currently favorite group's leader. His eyes stares back at hers in a soft way before slowly trailing towards her lips. He began to lean in. Something compelled Chaebyeol to lean in as well, and the moment she did....


"AH FUCK!" she bolted awake, her lips still puckered. Her eyes gazed towards the clock. Late. She was gonna be late. Her feet ran towards the bathroom. She quickly began getting ready.

After aggressively rushing, she was finally ready. She had run back to the bathroom mirror in order to fix her hair. Her reflection stared back towards her as she did so. Suddenly, her eyes began to trail down to her lips. Little did she know, they began to curl into a small smile.

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