Chapter 24

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He nodded and continued to rub my hands. "You've got good hands." 

"Excuse me?"

"With massaging, I mean. Not-you know. But you're good at that too! No, wait, i'm not trying to perv on you."

I laughed, "It's fine, Steven."

I walked over to put up the plates. "Hey, Steven?"

He cleared his throat. "Yes?"

"You've got good hands too." I smirked.


"i love you, you love me. We're a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too?"

"You're actually singing the Barney theme song?"

I looked up from the couch and saw Steven smiling at the door. I beamed at him. I couldn't wait to get to our appointment today.

"Yes, yes I am. Baby likes it and they say that babies can actually hear and feel emotions after 16 weeks."

"I hope he didn't hear your horrid karaoke last week then." he joked.

I rubbed my belly, "Daddy's just being a meanie."

Steven knealed before me and put his hands on my stomach. "Wow. 20 weeks have already gone by. It feels like an eternity."

I scoffed, "Yeah, an eternity of me scarfing down food."

"Daddy may be a meanie but mommy is the grumpy one." he said to my swollen tummy. "But we all know you'll be daddy's little man."

"Can't believe you knew the gender, and I didn't." I huffed.

Steven laughed and kissed my stomach. "Well if you really think about it little Ian is probably going to be a momma's boy."

"You think?" I asked smiling at my stomach.

Every now and then I'd feel a little kick from baby Ian. But I haven't felt any movement for a few days now. Sometimes Ian wouldn't kick for hours at a time so I started getting worried, but to calm my self I made an appointment for an ultra sound just to be on the safe side. It had been about, I'd say 6 weeks since my last appointment when we found out the sex.

My practitioner had said that my appointments will be more frequent the closer and closer we get to our due date. So I've been to the doctor's once a month, but now I would be going bi-weekly just to be sure everything in the oven is baking well.

"We should get going or we'll be late." Steven remarked.

"Oh, right. Just let me grab my bag-"


I looked up and saw Steven holding my black bag. I smiled at him gratefully and got my coat so we could go so how Ian's holding up.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -

"Alright, Vivian, nice to see you back." 

"Good to be back, Dr. Miller."

She smiled and proceeded to check my blood pressure, which was surprisingly calmer than last time. and checked the baby's heart beat. I saw her eyes furrowed so I was quick to ask what was wrong.

"I can't be sure quite yet. Let's start the ultra sound then I'll be able to conduct a conclusion, alright?"

I nodded eagerly and saw Steven smiling encouragingly from the other side of the room. I'm glad we got Dr. Miller as my doctor. My assigned doctor was a Dr. Evan Morrison, and let's just say Steven was not okay with that. He ended up doing everything in his power to find me a "capable, female doctor."

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