Chapter 31

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 "Why is she here?" I said angily through my smile.

"She's your best friend's girlfriend." Steven pointed out.

"Right." I huffed.

Rich placed a bouquet of white lilies on the tombstone, and said a silent prayer with the viper impatiently waiting. Today was not the day for this. I kept my smile up as I talked with the people who came but in the back of my mind I couldn't wait to leave. I just wanted to go home and bury myself in misery.

"Hey, Viv, how have you been?"

'I've been better. Thanks for coming. It means a lot that you...both came today." 

"Of course we came." he held me in a tight hug, which caught Alise's eye.

She glared and flipped her uber soft, platinum hair. Her eyes didn't stay glued to me for long, and I knew why. Did I care? Of course not.

 Her manicured nails gestured towards the door, "Can I come in?"

I swallowed roughly and tugged my sweater down. "Sure. Come in, Alise."

Her expensive ensemble was out of place from my worn out couch. Her crisp white skirt bunched up as she took her seat. For a few moments, we silently sat, not even looking at each other. 

"He won't love you."

I looked up and pondered who she was talking about. "Who are you talkin-"

"Richard, duh." she rolled her eyes. 'With that thing in your belly, he won't ever love you. Not in the way you want him to."

"And what makes you think I want him so badly? Don't you think I know that?"

"I'm here to make it very clear that you are no longer a... problem."

"And do tell, what is your master plan? To scare me? Frankly, it's not working."

"I want you to leave." she crossed her mile long leg over the other. "Somewhere far and preferably not even in the States."

I let out a humorless laugh. "Okay, so I'll just pack my backs and go. Now why the hell would I do that?'"

"As said before, you are a nuisance to Rich and I's happiness. Besides, don't you have a new beau? Steven, right? He seems more your type."

"I'm not leaving. Even if you begged I wouldn't. I'm not going to ruin your perfect little life so don't worry."

"That baby is the reason Rich pretends to care. That baby is the reason your new man candy sticks around. Face it. Without that bastard, you're nothing. Absolutely nothing."

I clenched my fist at my sides. "I am nothing, and my baby is no bastard."

'"On the contrary, Vivian, you are a waste of space, and you and that baby can die for all I care."

"Is that what you wanr? For my baby to die?" 

"I prefer you as well but beggers can't be choosers." she gracefully stood up with her nose in the air. "Take my advice and leave. It's the only option you have if you don't want to live off people's pity."

"Why do you hate me so much?" I stood.

"Oh, I don't hate you, Vivian. What I feel towards you, not even the likes of hell sums it up."

"That wasn't answering the question."

She crossed her arms and her jaw clenched. "You want to know why?" 

She stood all too close to me and her heels gave her the added height so it was as if she were looking down on me. 

"I hate you because all the affection that should go to me is going to you. Rich is at your beck and call when he should be at mine. You're giving him second thoughts that he doesn't need. It's about time you learned your place, and I am not someone you want to mess with."

"When exactly did I give him second thoughts?" I knew what she was referring to but I needed to hear it myself.

"You think I don't know about how you persuaded him to dump me? All because you claim to have seen me with someone else."

"That's because you were. I won't stand by and watch you lie to him."

"What difference does it make? You and I are more alike than you know. The difference? I'm not as stupid."

"I am nothing like you."

"Oh, yeah? Sleeping with a man only to get knocked up. And I know who Steven is. Large inheritance fromt NASCAR and he can give you a comfortable life that lasts forever. How are you any different? The only thing is I didn't need to get pregnant for it."

I swiftly smacked her face and watched as the sting formed my hand print. It was highly satisfying to hear her screetch.

"You got what you wanted, Alise."

"And what would that be? A smack? Do you realize what this face is worth?!"

"Thousands, I'm sure with all the work done. My baby and I won't be in your way."

"And how am I to be sure of that?"

'Because there is no baby." 

"My condolences to your baby boy." Alise softly said. 

She leaned in to Rich and held his hand tightly. "I can't imagine how hard it is for you."

"Oh, shut up." 

Rich and Alise's face were shocked at my rudeness. Alise delicately raised her hand to her mouth, "She must be so hurt."

"You know what? You both can go fuck yourselves. Or each other,  just leave already."

I walked across the fields of graves and kept walking until I couldn't see them. My heels would sink into the grass but I was determined to leave that atmosphere. 

My heel stuck and I tripped backwards, almost hitting the muddy ground. But someone's arms had caught me. I looked up and saw Steven.

"Were you following me?" 

"I'm always behind you, Vivs. Always."

"Yeah, I know."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"It's hard being left behind. It's hard to be the one who stays. Why is love intensified by absence?"

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside you."

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