Chapter 30

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"Why not? You're a taken man, Richard. this is fair game."

"I don't think so." I felt a tug on my right arm.

"It definitely is." I felt a tug on my other arm.

"Don't touch her like that." Another tug.

"You don't touch her like that." And another.

"You could be hurting her."

I woke up dramatically and stood up from the couch. "You're both pulling my arms out of my sockets. And you're both idiots!" I said as I went to the bedroom, making sure to lock the door.

What does a girl have to do to get a nap around here?


 By the next morning I was really hoping that at least one or both have left. I wanted to start fresh today and having them both here was...overwhelming to say the least. But to my luck, they were both in the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Vivs." Steven placed a light kiss on my cheek.

"Hey, gorgeous." Richard beamed. He hung one arm over my shoulder and led me to the dining table. "How does breakfast sound?"

"I'm starving." 

"Good. I went out early and picked up your favorite blueberry muffins and hot coco." he presented me with a bag.

"I haven't had these in forever!" I gushed.

"Instead of hot coco, I think you should drink some fresh chamomile lavender tea. It's a lot healthier for you and it'll help you relax. I can tell you only got a few hours of sleep so maybe this will help a bit." Steven suggested.

He brought over a cup of the tea, and it smelled great. The lavender scent really did soothe my senses but I was never really a tea drinker, hence the coco and coffee.

"She doesn't like tea." Rich stated.

"But coco is bad for her, especially now."

"She can drink what she wants. It doesn't hurt to indulge, Mr. Goody Two Shoes."

"But it has after effects in the long run. It isn't good for her."

I could sense an underlying meaning in their words and it was definitely an awkward place to be. Do I agree with Rich and indulge a little or do I drink the tea for better health?  It was really hard to decide. Either way, one of them would be hurt. Over my choice of beverage.

I cleared my throat, "I think I'll just get some water." 

Steven looked at me and nodded, "That's good too."

"Whatever you want, Viv." Rich smirked.

I nodded and walked to the kitchen but I didn't get too far before I heard it.

"Stop smirking. She didn't choose yours."

"As long as it's not yours, I'm fine with it."

I shook my head. Guys are so ridiculous.

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I had somehow persuaded Rich to leave and go to work a week after the weird drink incident. I didn't really think he'd do it but I guess he's been away for too long that work seemed like a pretty rational idea. I made sure to give him a good talk on how just because he's the boss, it doesn't mean he should slack off. I think that just about did it. 

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