The Elementals

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Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops ready. One girl. One kingdom. Four elements. Eleven friends. No biggie.


Ever heard the dumb emo saying, "you know my name, not my story"? Well that has become a philosophy of mine.

Hi, I'm Melody, hybrid freak, nice to meet you, strange muggle who I know nothing about. I used to be like you, cluelessly ignorant and uninvolved with the outside world. You know, they have a big, yellow ball of gas in the sky. Weird. Anyway my life became something out of a bad Si-Fi movie, and no, Nicolas Cage isn't in it (sadly). There are two forces in the world, Light and Darkness, and when you side with Light, Darkness gets a stick up its ass and wants you to suffer. My friends and I, we roll with Light.

That shows me the beauty in life and the devastation it can cause. Don't get me wrong, I love Light, but Darkness makes it hard to do whats right.


Melody is weird. She's childish. She's awkward. And she's got boy issues she needs to work out. Mel will face evil like no other, but can she do it? Will the scales of Light and Darkness finally be tipped? How can one girl make a difference? This is Melody, a corky teenager, and she wants you to read her story. Like now.




This story will be kind of boring at first. It takes a few chapters to build up to the action.

This story is copyrighted, so don't steal it.

Currently, the highest ranking in Fantasy THE 12 ELEMENTALS has received is #69, that's just flat out amazing!!

Also, this is an unedited, unofficial version of T12E. I put this rough first draft on here to get some exposure and more comfortable with people reading my work.

I would like to publish this one day and that will be incredibly different. Please keep in mind, I was literally 11-14 when I wrote this and the romance and a few characters may seem cliché. Honestly dunno what I was thinking but I'm glad I had this written.

My characters are a little odd, a little immature, silly and weird. If you don't want to read this for those reasons, do not leave a rude comment in the book, do not leave a mean message in my inbox, do not write on my wall. Just click out, literally that simple. Thank you!

That's enough of my annoying presence.


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