Chapter 12

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"Where's your car?" I asked Zane as we left the school's gym.

"Around this corner." He said, turning left.

We met a sleek small car. I stopped dead in my tracks. I don't know anything about cars, but I do know that this one is too expensive to belong to Zane.

A boy needs his toys. Zayden commented. I can tell he likes the car. Boys make AP Biology look easy.

"You have a Bugatti?" Jordan asks, eyes wide in pure awe.

"You bet. Get in." Zane went to the passenger side and opened the door.

What a good little valet.

"Your mom is a chemical developer. A very under paid one." I eyed him suspiciously. Did goody-two-shoes Zane become a felon in Florida? Is he pulling some GTA crap on me?

With a face like that? Please. I bet he rushes over just to open a door for that cute little old lady who lives down the street. Zayden snorts. I bit back a smile (that's exactly the type of guy Zane is).

"She is. My uncle Benny bought it for me. You remember him." Zane said dismissively, leaving the passenger door open and walking to the driver's side.

I did remember Benny, that old cuckoo. He's that crazy rich guy who acts like everyone's long lost drunken uncle. The car is definitely something Benny would buy his nephew; Benny has money and loves to show it.

"Sorry. I'm gearing up to buy a one way ticket to crazy town." I sighed.

"Aren't we all." He smiled tenderly at me.

"Bugatti's only seat two people. Mel, you're my seat." Jordan claimed my hand and hauled me to the fancy car. I got in and Jordan stationed himself on my lap, closed the door then tossed the seat belt over us and clicked it shut.

"Where is this tree house?" Zane asked, turning on the car.

"Go out past Montezuma and I'll direct you from there."I glazed out my window as we left the school.

"What is the tree house? Did you find it? Built it? What?" Zane gives me the third degree.

I roll my eyes. Of course he will question me, like how I questioned him. Our nerves are fired and we need answers, pronto. "Me, Ester, Dmitri, Kyle, and Ali were hiking and we found a trail. Well, Dmitri found the trail, I just saw dirt. The trail lead us to a huge tree house. We went back a few times and we knew it was forgotten about. We fixed it up and made it ours." I explained as we drove out of town. "It's so awesome that it has electricity."


"Solar. I told my dad about a tree house we wanted to fix and he gave us more than enough money."

"When did you guys find it?" Zane persisted.

"About a month after you moved. I was in a emo stage and wouldn't leave my room, so naturally our friends thought a hike would get me out of my funk." I look at Zane and try to read his face, but he stares straight ahead, expressionless.

We pass the hot baths, which are crowded as usual.

"You're lucky Zane." Jordan fills the silence. "This is my dream car, I'd marry it. It wouldn't talk back, it wouldn't demand much, and it wouldn't get on my butt if I came home late." He started fidgeting with the radio.

Zane grinned, "Not all women are like that. There's always that one girl who will never get old or annoying." Zane caught my eye, and his glaze basically said, Read between the lines.

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