Chapter 1

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"Before we leave, can we get some food? I swear my tummy's speaking to me in Morse Code." Vivian says from the back seat of my car.

"Let's get Taco Bell!" Ester suggests, riding shot gun.

I roll my eyes, "You always want Taco Bell."

"Excuse me for enjoying good Mexican food." Ester huffs.

"Breathe chica(girl)!" Out the window shield I see the place I want to eat at. Putting the blinker on, I make the turn and pull into the drive-thru behind one car.

"Wendy's?" Ester questions.

"Yes. You will eat your food and you will shut up." I say, raising an eyebrow, daring her to speak.

She does and goes off about how much better Taco Bell is and how Wendy's is at fault for Global Warming. Trying to spare myself a long and stupid lecture, I scan the parking lot. Not very crowded, probably because McDonald's and Pizza Hut are the main competition on this block, with Sonic further down.

My eyes land on a familiar blue Hummer. Craning my neck I see a Jaws bumper sticker. Nudging Ester with my elbow, causing her to finally shut it, I say "Isn't that Kyle's car?"

She turns to the direction I point to.

"It is and it's parked in the employs area. They must be desperate." Ester replies.

The car in front of us moves up, so I pull ahead to the ordering box and sure enough Kyle's voice comes through asking, "Welcome to Wendy's, what can I get you?" Someone sounds bored.

"What would you recommend, Tiburon?" I ask, using the Spanish word for shark.

"Pez espada(swordfish), is that you?"

"No it's your mother."

"Well don't order anything that involves chicken,"

I laugh, "Fine. Get me three cheeseburgers, three large fires, and three strawberry milkshakes."

"Your wish is my command fatty."

"Ester and Vivian are with me estupido(stupid)."

"Well then. Your total is 17.39." Kyle said, and then I drove up to wait.

Letting my mind wander, I peek at Ester who is happily humming to the country song playing lightly in the car. I take a moment to just look at my best friend. Her skin is light and her hair is naturally wavy, reaches her elbows and is that envied golden color. Then there's her early-morning blue eyes that scream innocence (remember, looks can be deceiving). Her tall frame makes her extremely thin, but she eats more than half the boys I know.

At long freaking last it's our turn and as I pull up to the window, I see Kyle getting drinks.

He notices me and opened his little window, "Where you headed to this fine day hermosa corazon(beautiful heart)?"

"The Dolphin, I needa swim. Would ask you to join but you have work."

"We can't all have a rich daddy who feels guilty to buy us everything."

"Leave my dad out of this." I mumble, more than a little annoyed. "The food?"

"Hello my dearest cousin Kyle. Nice to see you finally landed a job, what do they pay you in? Scraps and slutty costumers?" Ester grins. Did I mention Ester and Kyle are cousins? No? Well they are.

Kyle chuckles darkly, "Hey Ester, hola Vivian. No, they don't. Tell me Ester; does your singing still sound like a monkey screaming?"

Oh, no. He insulted her singing, this will be fun.

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