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You were lost in thought whilst staring at All Might from the corner of your eye, pretending you were looking out of the window. You felt incredibly like Mineta and were ashamed of your actions, especially when you failed to notice that you'd arrived. 

"L/N, we're here! Come on, quickly now!" All Might urged you on, and you blinked a few times before jumping from your seat and following him out of the train. You were met with grey streets in the early morning sun. The street was overcrowded, and people were already beginning to notice All Might, who seemed rather oblivious whilst simply grinning at you and waiting to see your reaction at the absolutely massive city that surrounded you. 

"Well, I'm sure that running into crime won't be a problem, at least," you joked, and All Might chuckled lightly as he put a hand on your shoulder, making your heart go insane for the millionth time that day. You wondered when it would finally give out and you'd die. 

"You're correct. I don't know about you, but I am starving! Let's head to breakfast and take some dark, shady alleys on the way. You can change into your hero costume on the way, I forgot to tell you to have it on from the beginning, forgive me," All Might said, looking at you apologetically. 

"Sounds like a plan! Can I have a donut?" you asked, feeling your mouth water at the thought of donuts. All Might gave you an apologetic smile.

"I'm afraid you'll be on a special diet to maximise the effects of your training," he told you, and you sighed dramatically.

"Oh, what shall I do without donuts! If I only had a savior, some hero!" you said, emphasising the word 'hero', and pretending to faint dramatically, falling towards All Might. He caught you effortlessly, his hands  taking hold of your shoulders with ease and sending shivers along your body as he put you back on your feet while chuckling.

"If you do well today, I'll consider donuts for dinner," he said with a smirk, and you grinned, standing up straight and pretending to dust your school uniform. 

"Perfect! Let's be on our way, before the famous All Might gets swarmed by fans!" you announced, and All Might nodded a little more seriously as he noticed the crowd that was beginning to form near you. He took one look at the heavy backpack that you had placed on the floor next to you, and then glanced over at his, twice as big.

"Let's switch backpacks first," he said, and you reached out towards his backpack hesitantly. You pulled at it, and it barely moved.

"Do you carry bricks in here?" you asked in disbelief as you barely hauled it onto your back. Your own backpack was rather heavy, too, but All Might was carrying over one shoulder as if it weighed nothing. He just grinned at you smugly.

"Perhaps. Now, try to keep up. If you fall behind, I won't be coming back for you." He didn't gave you a chance to protest before he took off running, and you could only sigh before breaking into a full-on sprint after him, just barely keeping the distance between you fro getting larger as you struggled under the weight of his backpack.

He dashed through the people with ease while you bumped and tripped all the time, your legs and lungs already on fire, and no longer able to feel your shoulders. You were completely drenched in sweat by the time All Might veered off into a side-alley, and you dashed in after him, grateful for the lack of sun and people. 

You nearly slammed into him as you rounded the corner. He was standing still, smiling proudly and breathing completely normally while your breaths were laboured and tortured.

"Good job! You can have your backpack back now!" he said, and he took his own backpack from your back, and you felt seventy times lighter and like you were flying. Then, to your disbelief, All Might opened his backpack and began throwing out actual bricks, grinning at your jaw-dropped expression.

I am here! [ All Might x Reader ] ( BNHA ) Where stories live. Discover now