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"And maybe one day you'll realize, I'm no longer the innocent girl you knew me to be. I've changed and so have you"

"Dad" she whispered in a voice full of disbelief and horror.

"Shivu" the guy standing in front of him questioned her in a tone reflecting her

"Ansh" she questioned him back hoping against hope as the guy front of nodded towards her with misty eyes.

"Is it really you" he questioned her looking stuck between happiness and disbelief.

She nodded her head trying to stop the sob from escaping her lips. The thing she continued to torment her soul with for the most days of her life turned out to be a lie. She always thought She was the reason of her twin's death. She accepted everything thinking she was a killer and now it all seemed to be a lie. She wasn't a killer, she wasn't a murderer cause her twin was standing in front of her in perfect health with moist eyes.

And before she knew it her tears escaped her eyes like a jet stream as Ansh wrapped his arms around her and  she felt alive again like a lost part of her had returned to her.

"Hey, what's happening here??" She heard Viaan's questioning voice but at the present moment she didn't care not at all.

"Oye, Anshu did you somehow made my fiance cry??" Viaan questioned Ansh watching Anya's red,puffy and teary eyes

"And I want to ask how in this whole world, my sister agreed to marry you is still a mystery to me" Ansh retorted still holding Anya in his embrace.

The confusion clouding Viaan's gaze disappeared as realization brightly shined in his eyes.

"With lots of love, btw how you recognized her" he questioned curiously

"I look like him"

"Well, I can never see your face in the same way again dude. I'm feeling like punching you"

"Well, I'll really appreciate if you don't punch me and I can't get a plastic surgery done to my face. Now can I??"


"No, I'm not doing a plastic surgery Viaan" Ansh stated sternly while Viaan made a sad face and Anya giggled happily.

And a smile automatically graced both the boys face.

"I think you've fulfilled your quote of water works for today" Viaan teased Anya lightly as he pulled her in his embrace and invited Ansh in who was looking at him questioningly but Viaan's eyes told him perfectly that he knew the past and was in no mood of making Anya relive those misery filled memories.

"Panchi??" he questioned him with raised eyebrows

"Got stuck in work"


"Where were you all this years??" Anya questioned him not getting why didn't he come back to them

"With a loving family, they found me and raised me and for some years I've lost my memories so couldn't come back to you." Ansh lied smoothly through his teeth not wanting Anya to know about the horrors he faced before his mom found him and saved him. He didn't want her to blame herself for the  misery he faced.

"Oh, by the way what do you mean by the quote of water works is over for today" Ansh asked Viaan while Anya grumbled under her breath and Viaan looked sheepish.

"She met Mrs Oberoi, today" Viaan said as if it explained everything and it did in his books

"Oh, Anya you need to confront them. You need to ask them all the question jumping in your mind, you deserve answers and they deserve to face your wrath" Viaan told her his eyes burning with anguish.

"I don't think I'm ready yet"

"You're always ready, love" Viaan told her sincerely

"Can we not talk about them, right now" Anya asked both of them making a face, she didn't want to talk about them when she hadn't for 6 years. Her feelings and memories are a jumbled mess as far as they are concerned

"Well, so when is the marriage" Ansh asked Viaan and Viaan made a long suffering face, making Anya giggle.

"When the dammed priest will give an appropriate date. I don't know what the hell is taking him so long" Viaan grumbled angrily making Ansh laugh hard

"Well, I'll ask Ma to talk with Saumya ma after all its my sister's wedding and as you're my sister you will be her daughter too" Ansh said happily almost with a childish glee as he thought of his mother.

"Yeah, ask Ishana ma to talk with ma na, maybe than that dammed priest will finally tell me when I'm getting married" Viaan grumbled while Anya looked at the two boys with confusion filled eyes.

Watching her confusion filled eyes, Ansh video called his mom and introduced both of them. Her eyes were kind and warm and inviting and soon Anya was in peace in her presence as Ishana promised Viaan. She will talk to Saumya as soon as possible and Viaan flattered and flirted with her a little more making Ansh, Savvy and Ro who had just entered the room to roll their eyes.

"You fine now" Savvy asked hugging Anya

"Yeah, thanks for the save" Anya mumbled back to him

"You scared me, snowy" Savvy whispered to Anya while she rolled her eyes at his nickname for her.

"So, what are you guys talking about???" Ro asked Viaan and Ansh

"We are mentally planning Vianya's wedding" Ansh replied grinning happily

"Well, Anya if you want you can elope with me" Savvy said teasing Viaan as he threw a pillow at his direction which he catches easily and threw back towards him

"Well, we will dance together" and the boys started chatting about their plans and who will be from bride and who will from the groom's side talk, laughing among them at their silly banters and even more silly plannings they forgot about the emotional day.

Until they got out for dinner, the past seemed to be catching up with them fast.

To be continued.....

As promised here is the update thought short but still it's something I guess. The face of will be in the next part.

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