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"My life suddenly feels like a cluster of the darkest nights "

A slum area where she walked emotionlessly not paying any heed to anyone, her eyes fixed on her destination as always as she knocked on the door of the house she was guided too as the door open an all predatory smile lit up her face as she greeted the person in her melodious tone "hello, Jasmine"

The smile didn't leave her face for even a moment as she watched Jasmine's eyes widen in shock for a single moment and the smile on her face brightened but the women in front of her was also a master in hiding her true emotions as her face schooled back in a neutral mask and she kept on staring at her with blank eyes.

"Won't you invite me in, dear" her tone was friendly her eyes not so much as Jasmine stirred back in action letting her in the small place hesitantly but no signs of hesitation or reluctance could be found in Anya's steps as she went inside the small room and settled herself on a chair, looking around curiously.

"Why are you here?" Jasmine asked her with a hint of accusation in her tone which Anya let slide as her eyes focused on Jasmine's eyes nervously dancing around the room as if hiding something.

"Well, I couldn't help but he here after learning about your small demands" a smrik was tugging at the corners of her lips watching Jasmine's sharp intake of breath and narrowed eyes.

"So, Viaan told you" another accusing, disbelief filled statement thrown her way as she stared at the women with darkness lurking beneath in her eyes and dark circles lining under her eyes. The beautiful, tempting face has aged tremendously in just few years as she ignored her statement and came to her point.

"You remember what I said to you that night, don't you?? You remember my words don't you I won't ask you, why you did what you did?? I won't tell anything to Kriti bhabi or anyone if you promise to do the same. I won't call the police on you or make your life hell like I'm quite capable of. I even provided you with sufficient funds to leave the city and settle wherever you want to then what made you break our deal??" The playfulness in her eyes has disappeared leaving nothing but total darkness in it's place as she looked at the girl she gave a chance with intense scrutiny.

"I didn't break any deal, the bargain was to never tell anyone about that night and not mention anything about Karan and I didn't, I simply said I and Viaan had an affair and I'm the mother of his child" Jasmine stared back at her with similar intensity in her orbs as both of them engaged in a battle of wills.

"Why??" The question was asked calmly as the storm raging inside her soul highlighted in her eyes and something shattered in Jasmine's soul.

"Cause I don't have the luxury you rich kids have, your highness. Even if your parents don't spend a single second with you they make sure you had clothes to cover your body, food on your plate, proper education and a house over your hear. You don't understand what it's like when you grow up yet don't have proper clothes to shelter your from the burning sun and Chilling winter. You don't know how it pains when you don't have anything to eat for days and dont think even twice before grasping something out of the dustbin to eat. You don't know how it feels when their is no certainty of a shelter above your head to save you from the harsh world and the power of money. When you're not even allowed to enter in some shops based on your attire and everyone looks down on you. You slowly realise the value of money and whatever I do, I do to gain that money, don't give me that look I tried honest way of living alright. I tired I sang and danced in the bar knowing that's all I know. I even acted in whatever small show I got but it's never enough, never enough when you have a family half drowning in the muddy waters of crime, an ailing mother and the moneyhounds of loan sharks after you and I'll do everything I can, everything I know and use it to survive" Jasmine eyes were challenging  as well as filled with scorn and a deep resonating anger,her pain was so different from the girl sitting in front of her and she hated optimism,she hated when other's judged her and her choices and deemed her a villain. Well, she is just trying to survive doing whatever she can...she isn't harming anyone,she isn't killing people..she is just making a path of survival for her and her family and she won't be judged by the people who can't survive in her condition. She won't be judged by people who had luxury and security all their life. People who never faced the scorn, accusation and disgust of the society for being born in this society.

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