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"Some people create their own storm and then gets angry when it rains."

She hated the laughter echoing in this house. The true sparkling smile that bloomed on that girl's face as the boys embraced her. The contaminating laughter that brought small smiles on the face of people watching. No, she couldn't tolerate the smile blooming on Anika or Shivaaye's face watching their daughter happy.

She couldn't at all tolerate the happiness blooming in their hearts. No, they dont deserve to be happy. No, they don't at all deserve to be happy. They needed to be miserable as miserable her daughter was, her sweet innocent daughter who only craved love and family. Her little Prinku who wanted to have her own children and little family but they snatched away her Prinku's dreams. Her Prinku died because of them, they can't have what her daughter couldn't have. They can't live a happy life when her daughter couldn't live a happy live, when her daughter died before her days.

They all married out of love but didn't gave her Prinku the same right and freedom. They didn't let her Prinku get married to the guy she loved. No, they married her off to a rich guy, a guy of their status and see the result her Prinku died of heart break.

She slowly crumbled to her sorrows, no she won't ever forgive them for her daughter's miseries not even her own sons. She'll snatch away everything they held dear. She'll snatch away their daughter's happiness as they had snatched her's.

Hearing that Shivaaye's daughters laughter her ears bled with sorrow. She wanted to hear her scream and cry and in return watch her parents die slowly of misery, no she couldn't tolerate their happiness not at all.

She was miserable when the twins were born because Shivaaye and Anika were happy, truly happy. They were radiating happiness and their happiness was like UV Ray's for her, causing her cancer of hatred. Her cells were seething with rage and venom but she didn't made her move before she was sure their lose will hit hard.She didn't made her move until their absence will haunt the whole mansion and she also knew on whom the blame will fall.

She wanted them to feel the pain of losing a child, losing a child because of their own children.

Omkara and Rudra were equally responsible for Prinku's death and so she made them watch what it feels to have a child killed because of other. What it feels to lose your own child by the hands of your other child that idiot thought it was his plan and apologized to her for not being able to kill both the children. Huh, she never wanted to kill both just Ansh and then turn Shivanya into another meek, terrified Prinku who'll be afraid of her own shadow. She snatched away the guy he loved just like her parents had snatched her Prinku's love, she relished in watching her daily cry herself to sleep due to heartbreak, she found happiness in her sorrows.

She relished in their pain she pulled them down the bridge of insanity. Slowly distancing the Shivanya from her parents, slowly making that child weep tears of blood and ignorance. Oh, how she loved the melancholy and sorrow surrounding this house. This house has snatched her joy, her happiness, her smile made her an alcoholic, snatched away her children. How could she let them flourish??

This generation will be doom of this house and she'll make sure of that. She had swored on her daughter, she'll destroy the people who caused her misery and she did, she made her miserable,she made them wish for death but didn't let them die. She snatched away their pride and Joy. The whole house thought Shivaaye was out on business trips but no she was making Shivaaye search her dead daughter that hypocrite always swore family comes first. So, she made him swear on her to search her daughter or see her dead face and that fool was searching her dead daughter till that day, the day she thought she succeeded with Shivika in hospital, Shivanya missing and that moment she let her men drop the news of Priyanka's death to Shivaaye. Shivaaye came back to his family, when his family was totally and utterly broken. She was so happy watching them search for Shivanya like mad dogs, internally dying everyday not knowing whether their daughter was alive or dead. She made them feel what she felt yet her heart hadn't settled she'll see them be miserable till dead as they see the drastic fates of their children, each dying before their day miserably and they'll ask for death but no death will grace them

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