Chapter 55- Hoseok's Despair

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I would be lying if i told you that i tried to mind my own business and not give the heart-wrenching video clip a second thought ...

The gruesome hair -raising video clip couldn't leave my mind.. No matter how much i tried to indulge myself in other activities..I couldn't do so..the horrendous scene kept on replaying in my mind...
i wanted so so so bad to ask Boss about it but couldn't bring myself to..why???..... because i was afraid that he would get angry or was it because i didn't want to see his weak side...
nobody can tell from his face the pain he has been going through...

Emitting a long audible breath i made my way out of the building to calm down my nerves...

I scanned the finely maintained garden that sat prodigiously across the land as my eyes landed on a familiar figure sitting at a distance away on a wooden bench...Boss

What to do?what to do? Should i go and talk to him??maybe he ll open up to me?what are you thinking y/n? You are just a mere secretary ...

Number of questions passed through my mind but curiosity and concern for him was killing me so i decided to talk to him..
Taking careful steps and thinking again and again at every step i finally stopped next to the bench..

"Boss?!" My voice came out low.. he didn't move a bulge .. he kept on staring at something unseen and i noticed the CD from earlier in his hand
"Boss its me y/n" i spoke again looking at him but it seemed as if he has lost the ability to hear.

Finally mustering my guts ..i sat beside him and kept my hand on his shoulder taking him by surprise
"Sorry sorry" i said instantly removing my hand as i noticed his once lilting now blank eyes ...
He just nodded as he his eyes made their way back to the ground...

We sat their in complete silence before i decided to break the silence..
"You want to talk about it?" I finally said , my gaze still low..
"Its okay to mouth won't open to anyone later on..." i said speaking carefully
He looked at me and his eyes were empty ..
"I don't want you to get involved." I heard him say under his breath
"Sharing with someone lessens down your pain" i told him finally meeting his eyes to which he only shook his head

Maybe i was going too hard on him..

"I guess its ok.. i am just a mere secretary after all and plus we aren't that close"I spoke as i stood up from the bench.

But much to my surprise a large hand held my wrist stopping me.

I looked down to see long slender fingers curled around my wrist and then to the man who stopped me
"Stay!" He spoke as he pulled me beside him..
"I just don't want you to get involved." He repeated
"Why not?" I asked..his hand still holding mine
"Because i don't want you to get hurt." He said meeting my eyes


"Why?" I asked again completely oblivious to the fact that he was holding my hand
"Just because .. i think of you as an important person to me." He said averting his gaze "all of this will hurt you for sure and i don't want to hurt you."

I don't understand why will that hurt me??

"I am important to you?" I asked scanning his eyes
"Yes i feel this pull from you.. you radiate something that makes me wanna be close to you to protect you ..only if you weren't married." He said ..the last sentence barely audible to me
" what do you mean?" I asked him and his held tighten around my wrist and thats when i realised that he has been holding my hand
"I mean you are special" he uttered turning his body towards me
"Why am i special to you?" I asked
"Because y/n i see myself in you." He finally answered
"Then why cant you let this special someone share your pain?" I asked scanning his eyes.

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