Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"You're doing well," Ally said again, looking over her shoulder at me with a smile. I nodded, accepting the compliment with a small quirk of my lips.


Ally had showed up at my house with Lisa behind her, insisting that she took us both shopping to make sure that we didn't clash. Lisa had the bridesmaid dress that she had to wear, therefore she wouldn't clash at the ceremony, but she still needed a dress for the after party.

Since we piled into Ally's car and made our way to the shopping mall, Ally had been able to tap my arm and look at my legs in a dress. It was progress, even my therapist said so. Ally had also suggested a therapist for me, the one that helped her through things, that I was going to see next week.

"I like this one," Lisa said, holding up a shiny red dress that was fitted along the waist and shorter on the legs. Ally tusked, shaking her head with a sigh.

"Blue, Lisa. We're looking for blue!" I chuckled, turning to look back through the rack. With Miss Holdana's wage and the money that I was earning again from teaching a few of the local children to ride, paying for a dress was far from a problem. Lisa huffed, hanging the dress back on the rack.

"But your dress is white," she mumbled under her breath. Ally clipped the back of her head, grinning to herself.

"I'm getting married, it's meant to be white. Quit the moaning or you're being demoted from head bridesmaid," Ally warned, grabbing her own choice of dress and holding it under Lisa's chin. Lisa turned her nose up, shaking her head.

"I look like a nun," she commented. Ally gave her a look, shoving the dress into her arms.

"You'll look better with it on." In the end, Lisa picked up about three different dresses, as I picked up one. In the changing room, Ally sighed with relief, moving her feet up from the floor.

"I'm telling you, girls, shopping is harder than ice skating," she complained, watching as we disappeared into the cubicles.

The dress that I'd picked up would've worked for an everyday dress, as well as a going out dress, and for the first time in years, I felt good. It hung loose from my hips, gently hugging my waist, much like the skater dresses that were being advertised. All thoughts of Finn and how he would've felt about the dress were completely absent, instead, filled with thoughts about Eli and how he would feel if I asked him to go with me.

I stepped out from the cubicle, giving Ally a small twirl. She squealed, watching with excited eyes.

"You look gorgeous, Kat," she said softly and I smiled to myself, glancing at myself in the other mirror. Lisa came out a few minutes after, cursing the zip on her back.

"This..." she muttered, giving Ally a glare. "Is hideous. I look like a I had a chiffon based epileptic fit!" she exclaimed, glancing in the mirror.

"It's not bad. I actually like it," I said. The dress did suit her, the blue contrasting her light skin tone. It was a maxi dress but was very flattering on her larger hips. Lisa blew out through her lips, raising an eyebrow.

"It's nice. You look amazing, Lis. Josh would melt," she added, when Lisa started to look less sure of herself.

"I don't like it," she retorted, but it was a weak response and she was clearly warming to it. I turned my back on the bride to be, going back into the cubicle to change.

When I was pulling my jeans back on, I caught sight of a scar on my upper thigh. It was where Finn and his friends used to press down to keep me in one place and the skin had grown so weak that it had just been permenantly scarred.

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