Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 (Not proofread).

                “I can’t say exactly how many times but Mum and Dad were both out on an average of four times a week, that was when he would do it,” I mumbled, looking down into my lap. The officer I was talking to sighed, giving me a sad look.

                “Kat, I know that this is hard, I’ve seen a lot of cases like yours but we need all the information you can give us. We will bring him to justice,” he said. I looked up and met his sad eyes.

                Inspector Marks was one of the best in the village. Ally, when I told her his name, told me that he’d helped her through the thing with her dad and he was really nice about it. His face was haggard, old and sad. He looked like he’d gone through a fair bit in his years but it wasn’t going to make me anymore comfortable in talking to him.

A/N: Hopefully this was okay, please vote, I really appreciate all votes :') Sorry if Kat's reaction to Eli wasn't what you wanted but this is what I would probably do;')

                We’d been there for about an hour just talking about what happened and why I kept the truth. I’d told them about Steven and what he’d said to me the other day and given them all of Finn’s letters.

                “I can’t see him again,” I said, looking at him through heavy eyes.

                The night before at Ally’s had been amazing, she’d kept me distracted all through the night and the majority of the morning. When she’d driven me home, she’s wished me luck and offered to come over after if I wanted to talk about it. Having someone like that was ten times better than a therapist.

                “You don’t have to be in the court room, we can do a video statement that would make the situation less distressing for you,” Marks said, giving me the piece of paper that I needed to sign for confidentiality.

                I kept my mouth shut, signing the paper in silence before handing it back. Mum hadn’t taken her eyes off me, her face traumatised by what she had just heard.

                “We just need to put all this evidence together and we’ll have to bring you down to the station for an official interview in a few days,” he said, pushing himself to his feet.

                Mum went to see him out when I got up to make myself a drink. We’d barely spoken since Eli had made his little revelation and I wasn’t planning on speaking yet. Having her know that set a new feel of disgust whenever I thought about him.

                “You did well,” Mum praised, leaning against the counter. I looked up, taking in her scared and frigid appearance.

                “Thanks,” I paused, putting a cup in the sink with a sigh. “I’m going to take Harley out,” I informed her, looking at the floor with a shudder. Mum walked over to the door and put her arm out, preventing me from going anywhere. I looked up, meeting her eyes. Instead of saying anything, she pulled me into a hesitant hug. I put one arm up around her back, resting my face against her shoulder.

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