Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 (Not proofread so please ignore any grammar or spelling errors). The one shot at the end isn't part of the story, nor is it written by me so please don't confuse it with the storyline, it was just something that a fan wrote for me :')

                Carter yelped, causing Jenna to let out a bark of laughter, shaking her head in disbelief.

                “Knees in, you need to keep your knees in!” I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth. Harley moved from foot to foot beside me impatiently, watching Carter as the horse beneath him moved.

                “He’s useless,” Jenna said with a sigh. I chuckled, breathing through my lips when Carter attempted to pull the frisky riding school pony to a stop. With Mum away and money not coming in as steadily, I tried to bring in one of the old riding ponies that we sold to the elderly couple down the road. They’d happily agreed, considering that they didn’t really do much with her other than turn her out in the field.

                “He’ll get better,” I said but my voice lacked any hope and enthusiasm for him. He’d first gotten on a pony with me at the age of six, fallen off and not gotten on since. He was only giving it a shot to prepare the pony for the lessons again, letting her know what it would be like for an amateur to be on her back.

                Jenna snorted, shaking her head with amusement. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Kat,” she replied, giving me a sly smile. Jenna wasn’t much of a rider herself but she didn’t treat it like a rodeo and could stay on the horse for more than a few minutes.

                “Kat!” Carter screeched, holding onto the saddle for dear life. He looked petrified so I pushed myself from the fence and clucked my tongue, whistling to Patchwork. The horse’s ears pricked, her pace slowing as she walked towards me.

                “Good girl,” I cooed, grasping hold of the reins. Carter was down that the quickest I’d ever seen anybody dismount a horse. Although, I wouldn’t call it dismounting, rather jumping and falling in a heap on the grass.

                “That horse is psycho,” he mumbled, getting to his feet and brushing off the mud from his skinny jeans.

                “The horse is perfectly sane,” I corrected, patting her muzzle. “You, on the other hand...” I trailed off, smiling sweetly in his direction.

                “Yeah, you can go back to isolating yourself, the sarcasm coming from you is immense,” Carter taunting, the stupid grin on his face completely diminishing his comment. I shrugged, motioning for them to wait a moment as I took Patchwork over to the stalls, leaving her there until Mum got home. She was due back later that day but she knew that she had to sort the lessons out as soon as she got home.

                “So, where’s the new boyfriend?” Carter asked as we filed out of the gate and towards the village. Carter needed to pick up a new labret for his snake bites and Jenna wanted to meet her mum to pick up a shopping voucher. I had nothing to get, mainly because I’d spent all my money on Eli and I’s day out a few days before. A visit to the town, cinema, restaurant and amusement park really took the money out of your wallet.

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