Chapter 2

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As I walked home I thought about the whole day, pondering the outcome of the "fight" and all of the homework I had to finish tonight. The town was fairly quiet on my walk home, no neighbors yelling or aliens running about.

When I got home I nudged over the flowerpot next to the door and grabbed the spare key which was hidden underneath. Readjusting the dead plant, I unlocked the door knob and tossed my backpack to the left and closed the door behind me. I hung my key up on the hooks next to the entrance and took off my shoes. Stopping to listen, I was satisfied when I heard my dad snoring over the sound of the TV.

I bent down and shifted through the papers and books in my backpack. Once I got the proper papers I quickly tucked them under my right arm, and ran upstairs, taking it two steps at a time. I changed my clothes into something more comfortable and settled on my bed quickly starting on my homework. When I got frustrated I grabbed my phone and started playing music to calm me down.

Once I finished my homework I carefully listened for any indication that my father had woken up. When I heard his snores still coming from the living room I was satisfied. Quickly throwing on a light sweatshirt and turning off my music, I slipped out the back door which was always unlocked and headed for a nearby forest. I was itching to shift ever since being locked into a stressful building filled with angsty people all day.

Strolling through the woods I looked for a good secluded place to leave my clothes and shift. If anyone saw me in wolf form there would be a big fuss, wolves weren't a normal sight in Nevada. I remember in Wisconsin when it wasn't a big deal to see a wolf. When I found a good spot, I quickly stripped down to my birthday suit, and shifted.

Shifting wasn't a pleasant process, you could hear bones breaking down to become smaller and joints mutating. Thankfully the process wasn't the least bit painful for born werewolves. But I've heard that it can be excruciatingly painful for the bitten. As soon as I had fully shifted I stretched my hind legs and shook my coat, making sure everything was in proper place. My father knows about the whole werewolf thing and knew where I was when I wasn't home, surprisingly he was okay with it.

As soon as I had fully settled I felt roughly 50 scents hit me at once. While in human form we had a good sense of smell yes, but in wolf form it was unbelievable, it was almost like a high, an itch you were never able to reach. I could smell and hear everything in a 20 mile radius. There were rabbits and blue jays rustling leaves five yards to my left. A squirrel was burying an acorn 7 ft to my right. My ears perked up as I heard the sound of hooves pounding on the forest floor. It was coming in my direction, I turned around and waited for the deer to come into my sight. As soon as I saw the hooved animal I took off.

At this point I had just let my wolf instincts take over, it was nice to just have my mind on one thing at a time. I followed the buck, which was a 3 pointer and my mind fogged over again when it started to gain distance. It wasn't until we burst through the tree line that I realized I needed to come back into control. In a matter of seconds I was standing on the road which followed along the border of the forest. As soon as I was finally in control I heard a large vehicle slam on their brakes. Before I could do the logical thing and jump into the ditch, I whipped my wolf head towards the vehicle, my ears perking up in attention. I saw a flash of blue and red, my last thought was 'that's a cool looking semi' as I was hit and sent flying a couple of feet away from the large truck.


Pain was the first thing I felt, the scents around me hadn't even registered through the pain. But this pain was familiar, it was the pain that came with one of the perks of being a werewolf, my body was healing rapidly. I could still feel most of my body, but my right front leg was definitely broken, thankfully, it was blissfully numb at the moment while my body focused on healing the smaller wounds first.

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