Chapter 8

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Going through that portal was the most nauseating thing I have ever experienced. It was so nauseating that my stomach lurched, and decided to rid itself of its contents. As I spewed the little bit of granola and water mush onto the polished red paint of the alien I heard it practically squeal in disgust.

"Fragging pit squishy! Is that a defense mechanism I didn't know about? That is disgusting!"

It practically threw me into a strange large square see through container as it walked away and cleaned it's hand off. It continued grumbling about something and I could hear it's tone hitch up a notch as it said something about acid on his wax. As my heart beat slowed and my adrenaline rush slowly dissipated I quickly smelled the blood of the aliens. Trying to pinpoint where it was coming from I looked around inside the container and noticed a small pool of it in one of the corners. Slowly creeping over to the explosive substance I was about to touch it and study it closer when I heard the red machine coming closer. Deciding it would be best not to mess with it, I moved away to another corner of the hollow cube.

As the giant approached, I searched it's metal face for an understandable expression, by the configuration of the metal plates I concluded that the alien was absolutely pissed with a dash of disgusted. Backing up into the wall of my "cage" as it approached, my mind filtered through all of my possible escape plans.

"Now, what to do with you. I could use you as bait for the autobots. Hmmm, maybe."

As the red being walked away to presumably speak to his higher ups, a realization quickly came to me and I pulled out my phone. I was just going to use it for checking the time and ditch it after I ran into the aliens, but it seems it might come in useful. Now, who do I call/text? It's not likely that Jack or Raf would answer because they probably didn't check their phones in class. As I quickly pulled up Miko's number I was about to type, and then I realized that probably wouldn't be the best idea. If this red one wanted to use me as bait for the autobots, and he was a part of the decepticons than I wouldn't want to give the bad guys the advantage of home base if the autobots came to get me.

Suddenly hearing hurried footsteps coming towards my direction I quickly shoved my phone into my back pocket and pulled my shirt over the rest that was sticking out. It seemed that it just went to get someone as it came back with a blue one this time. By listening to their conversation I concluded that the red one was called Knockout and the blue one was Breakdown, in my opinion they were kind of cringe names to have, especially because Knockout is presumably a medic by his response to Ratchet's name.

Deciding it was now or never, I quickly decided to shift, I'm kind of surprised that the sounds of my bones breaking and shifting didn't bring attention to me, but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. As soon as I finished I quickly made sure the decepticons hadn't noticed my change, and ruffled through my clothes for my phone. After I found it I set it off to the side as I quickly dragged the fabric over to their blood, hoping they suspected something happened to me after touching it. Then I ran back, grabbed my phone in my mouth again and quickly ran to the opposite side of the now wet clothes and started scratching at the wall, hoping that because it was transparent it would be thin enough for me to break through.

As soon as I felt two of my claws finally break through I quickly tilted them and ripped back as hard as I could, hoping it could cause a large amount to break off. A wave of fear washed over me as the sound of the whole wall breaking apart and crashing onto the floor caught the attention of the two decepticons. I quickly ran through the broken, what I suspect it to be, glass as the aliens started yelling at each other.

"What the frag is going on?"

"How should I know, I just came in here."

I ran and hid behind an object on the counter, watching as the decepticons quickly inspected my discarded clothing, now soaked.

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