Chapter 15

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Needless to say, Ratchet was appalled at the fact that I hadn't brought up that I was kidnapped by the Decepticons. He had called over a concerned Optimus who was quickly followed by the nurse, June.

When they entered they were met with the sight of me and the orange medic arguing.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal! I got kidnapped by this red cybertronian who I think goes by the name of Knockout. But It's fine, Steve brought me to an animal hospital because a had a broken paw. I managed to escape, everything's fine, I don't understand the big deal."

I saw the mechanoid in front of me fuming, I could tell his systems were running harder than usual. I was tempted to tell him to calm down before he had a heart attack or the alien equivalent. Suddenly he materialized the same giant wrench that he threw at Wheeljack, but before he could throw it, he was stopped by an annoyed sounding Optimus.

"Ratchet, put down the wrench, you know as well as I do that it would have more consequences than you would want to deal with."

Said alien took what seemed to be a deep breath, and lowered his arm that was tightly wielding the wrench. His glowing orbs for eyes dimmed in what I believed to be a long blink, and I saw his metal shoulders relax ever so slightly.

"Yes Optimus, you are right, I apologize."

Alpha gave the now calm medic an unsatisfied look, turning his attention towards me as he continued to speak to the other cybertronian.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

Before Ratchet could give a response, Optimus gave me his whole attention. Something in his eyes held a sort of sadness, one that made my wolf disappointed at the fact I didn't tell him everything that had happened. If I was in wolf form, my ears would've been back and my tail tucked between my legs. Just the thought made my lower back throb in the dull pain in my spine. My attention was quickly focused on Alpha as he began to speak.

"Lilly, I want you to trust us, can you tell me the whole story."

So I told them everything from the first time I met Raf to now, Ratchet seemed almost offended when I was explaining how I was fearing for my life the first time I came to base. June was relatively quiet until I explained how I found my dad's corpse. She gasped and I could see pity in her eyes, I didn't really want her pity, but I also didn't want to seem rude, so I continued on with my story. Ratchet seemed appalled that he had dropped me off at home after I was just attacked, only to come home to my only parent dead. Optimus was stone faced through my whole explanation, although, I saw a little bit of a mental flinch in his eyes when I mentioned my encounter with the decepticon in the hallway.

I had to stop myself from thinking too deeply into the fear I felt while being chased by Laserbeak. Shivers still go down my spine when I remember the metal talons digging into my sides.

There was a small amount of disappointment from Alpha when I was explaining the events in the clothing store, and I could see he wasn't too happy when I mentioned the shotgun and how the shrapnel managed to stay inside my body. I could that anger was pointed more at said clerk who shot me.

I suddenly stopped as remembered that I hadn't properly thanked Ratchet, so I took the time to do that. I felt I didn't need to finish, seeing as everyone already knew what happened next, Jack had more than likely filled them in.

The first one to say anything after all of that, was June. She had a solemn look upon her face, she seemed lost in her mind as she spoke.

"My coworker looked over your father's body, God, I'm so sorry. I hate to ask this, but do you have any relatives?"

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