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Jack's mom soon begins driving to the airport so your just talking with Jack and looking at all the places in the city. "Hey baby wanna take a picture together?" Jack says while winking and  smiling. You just shake your head no and laugh. "I'm really tired." You say while yawning and laying your head in his lap, Jack just strokes your hair until you fall asleep. You suddenly shift to get more comfortable until Jack grunts and you look up at him in confusion. "Nothing" He mumbles while looking out the window.  Jack's mom just looks out her window in confusion and clears her throat like she wants to know. "Nothings wrong I promise." You say while looking up at Jack as he keeps on stroking your hair. Jack soon stops stroking your hair and begins getting on his phone going through his social media, he laughs at something that you don't know so you look up at him to see what it is but he just says nothing and begins laughing again. You turn over and hit Jack in his crotch on purpose with your elbow and begin getting on your phone and texting Jaeden.


Y/N:Hey Jae

                          jae is typing.......

Jae: hey where are you at? I tried calling your home phone but your mom picked up?

Y/N: I'm going to Oklahoma with Jack and his mom.

Jae: oh funnnnn

Y/N: Yea lol

Jae: did you need something?

Y/N: no I just wanted to talk to someone cause Jack wouldn't give me attention lol😂

Jae: oof you sound like your needy

Y/N: maybe but this trip to the airport is a three hour drive so I'm a get some rest.

Jae: k bye Y/N

Y/N: bye Jae

You get done with texting Jaeden you put your phone down and close your eyes. You at a moment feel Jack shifting ever know and then; you open your eyes and look up at him knowing he's not comfortable. "Want me to move over?" You say. "No you're fine I promise." Jack says while  smiling and kissing your forehead. You soon feel yourself begin to get tired so you fall asleep. (I'm running out of ideas to put in this chapter cause like I don't know how to write it.) I woke up to Jack shaking me awake for the airport, he had told me that it we were kind of close to the airport. I sat up and fidgeted with my seatbelt, soon after I had gotten on Instagram and scrolled through my feed as I felt Jack laying his head sort of where my waist was. As some time had passed by we we're soon enough at the airport. We had gotten out and got our stuff out the car and went inside the airport. (I've never rode I'm a plane or been in a airport maybe when I was little but I don't remember)  You go inside and Jack's mom gets in front and the people or whatever do the scanning thing to check if you had weapons or drugs. They soon checked Jack the last person that was with us; everyone was clear so we sat in the terminal and waited for our plane to come.

Also sorry it's a short chapter guys..

550 words💛

Have it your way~

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