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"Y-Y/N?" Jack says while coming in with a towel over him, you turn over and look at him and act like you didn't just go through his phone. "Yea?" You say nervously, thinking or assuming that he saw you on his phone. "What were you doing, cause I saw you turning over." He says and comes over and sits down next to you on the bed. You look at him face to face and laugh nervously, "I was grabbing my charger out of the plug in, so I had to move it cause it kept on coming out." Jack just looks over at his phone; then back over at you and mumbles okay. You soon sigh in relief knowing that you almost had gotten caught. Jack soon got up and went into the bathroom: undressed, and got in the shower. You soon look up and look for Jack's phone to see that it's missing, which probably means that he had took it in the bathroom with him. You roll your eyes at the fact of what he did. I had knew that Y/N was up to something especially after what she saw in the pool. Those phrases or thoughts had flown out of his head. Jack just thinks while he's sitting in the tub, while in the shower. Jack soon stood up from the tub and moved the curtains out of the way and stepped out of the shower. He stepped on the towel that was a giving as so the water wouldn't get on the floor. Jack took another towel and wrapped it around his waist. Note:he didn't shut the water off. Jack soon dries off his hands and picks up his phone and goes to his contacts and clicks on a contact that says babe in parentheses.

Jack: hey baby just got out the shower. *sends picture of him in a towel* 😉😏

( I know this is nothing Jack would probably do but it's just a story so hard with meh)

                           babe is typing......

(Babe): hey and ou sexy body I'll like to see you in my bed😏 *sends picture of her running her thighs*

Jack soon feels the needness of being horny since Jack got all excited he got excited in his pants. (jk😂🐥)

Out of bordem since you were just laying down in the bed you begin to listen to the shower run, you laugh knowing that it sounded a little weird like someone wasn't in the shower. You call Jack's name and sit up from the bed. Jack quickly puts his phone up and wishes some of the water around in the tub making it seem like he was I'm the shower the whole time. Jack soon coughs 'fakely' and clears his throat. "Yes Y/N?" He says while rolling his eyes. You cross your arms and look at the bathroom door. "Nothing I was just making sure that you were still alive." You say and fake chuckle to yourself. Jack's says okay and shuts off the water and goes to the room. You look at him weirdly as he shrugs."What?" Jack says and sets his phone on his bed sneakily but yet, you see him do it. Jack soon gets dressed and climbs in the second bed in the room, you soon begin to wonder why he isn't sleeping next to you but you just goto sleep and he stays up on his phone.

This chapter may seem crappy so I'm really sorry guys, also I made my days final that I will be updating every Thursday, cause I have enough days to update and time❤


Have it your way~

 The Boy (Jack Dylan Grazer X reader)Where stories live. Discover now