Chapter Four

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"Here, have it," I said as I gave her a bowl of soup.

Her eyes widened in fear.

"Oh, no, your highness! Please, someone will-"

"No one! Now, be quick. I don't have much time." I looked at the closed door.

I knew this was risky. If my mother knew she'd have my head. But I was helpless.

This woman before me was pregnant and was starved because she broke a few plates. How inconsiderate Mother could be? She was the queen for goodness sake! She should have been at least considerate about her current situation.

I looked back at the frail woman who didn't even start yet and stared at me with this unreadable expression in her eyes.

I glared at her.

"Alva!" I warned her in a low tone.

But she didn't seem to be bothered at all.

I huffed. "Alva, if you don't start right now-"

"One day," she cut me off with her faint whisper. "You'll make a good queen, your Highness."

"What made you break the vow, Aravena?"

I flinched at his words. The blank face of Alva vanished as Grandfather's taunting smirk caught my attention.

The spoon clinked as he took a spoonful of tomato soup and moaned out. A grin marring his delicate old features.

"Ah, just the way I remembered." The wrinkles around his eyes crinkled, his eyes were brighter as he spoke.

I didn't reply. I didn't want to.

He put down the bowl on his lap and looked at me.

"Won't you ask how I still recognize the taste of your food?"

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