Ursa Major

333 18 11

wow life really be stressful sometimes huh


Oliver tripped on his way back to the table, nearly smashing his face into his sandwich. Though he caught himself at the last minute, Francesca's sharp eyes still called him out.

"That was almost epic Oliver," she said. "You couldn't have fallen and given us a show?"

"Despite my clumsiness, I'm actually not a circus Fran."

Emmett piped up from over at their table. "With the amount of bones you've broken you could be a spectacle. The remarkable I-Can't-Believe-He's-Still-Walking Oliver."

"Oh shut it," Oliver said as he slid into his seat.

They occupied one of the only booths in Aleppo's, a dingy restaurant on campus that served barely passable lunch food. Both Emmett and Francesca agreed that Oliver had to fill them in on what had happened the night before, and so he'd met up with the couple at the cafe during the small slot where none of them had class.

"Okay Oliver," Francesca said once they were all settled and eating their food. "Tell us everything."

Oliver felt his cheeks heat up, but bit his lip to keep from showing it. He wasn't a kid anymore, and this crush was totally and completely normal. Low key, even. Yeah.

"Well we went out to Taco Bell after his set--"

"Taco Bell? Who are you?" Francesca immediately butted in.

"It was the only thing open!" Oliver said indignantly. "Besides, Baby doesn't care."

"You do realize he's probably been romanced before, though, right?" Emmett asked. "I mean, he's one of the most popular kids on campus. He probably has guys falling all over him."

Oliver's eyes narrowed. "I thought you said you didn't know him?"

"I didn't," Emmett shrugged. "I've never seen him in person and I missed your whole conversation, remember? I didn't know you were talking to The Baby Parker until Francesca filled me in."

"The Baby Parker," Oliver scoffed, trying to play off his queasiness. "Well I'd never heard of him. And I don't know, it seems like Baby doesn't want to be the center of attention. He just... kind of is."

Oliver didn't know how to explain it. Because Baby was radiant without trying to be, laughed without caring who heard, sang like he was dumping buckets of his very soul into the music. That's not something you can explain to your friends, especially not over lunch at Aleppo's.

"So? What happened?" Fran prompted.

Oliver shrugged. "We just talked. And then I drove him home."

"You didn't even kiss?" Francesca gasped. "Jesus Oliver, this boy has you whipped something fierce."

"That's what I said," Emmett chimed in.

Oliver twisted his hands in his lap, looking down at his napkin. "Well, yeah," he nearly whispered. "I really like him guys."

Francesca cooed, and Emmett smiled from across the table.

"Aw Oliver," Fran said. "I realized you were serious, but not that serious. Do you think he's the one?"

"What does that even mean?" Oliver asked. "I met him a week ago, I'm not thinking about marriage."

"Well you're twenty one. Some people are thinking about marriage," Emmett pointed out.

"Yeah, like there's this girl in my Shakespeare history class that got married last week," Francesca said. "It's absolutely crazy to think about."

"Does she have long blonde hair?" Emmett asked.

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