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Warning: another sex scene at the end of this chapter! Also, this is almost the end of the story. Thank you all for staying with me for this long <3


Baby woke up with a cool rush of air. He savored the moment before opening his eyes. In the darkness, he felt like he was floating on the ocean. His lungs were clear as day. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt like this, like he wasn't even sick. He rolled over onto his side and opened his eyes.

Oliver slept beside him, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. A puddle of drool was collecting on the pillow. Baby snorted at the sight, his heart aching with fondness. He reached over and traced a finger down Oliver's cheek. The man didn't even stir.

Baby swung himself out of bed, pausing for a minute of shock as his vision didn't spark with stars. Wow. He grinned a wide grin to himself, and started dragging his oxygen tank with him to grab a piece of paper from across the room. After he'd scribbled a quick haiku to Oliver, (Pink falls in midspring / and hope, a dusty lantern / catches all the light) he made his way to the kitchen. He could think of some eggs that were just begging to be scrambled.

As he went, he started texting on his phone.

me: hey, you up for the milk run tonight?

He dropped his phone on the counter and pulled a carton of eggs out of the fridge. He hummed as he made them, having the actual energy to spin around the kitchen as he went. He got a little tangled up in his cannula, which took a second to sort out. By the time Baby checked back on his phone, he had a reply.

grace: wait what?

grace: to play?

Baby smiled.

me: hell yeah

grace: holy shit ok

grace: are you feeling up to it?

me: like i'm not even sick

grace: FUCK yeah

me: got a few new songs we can play. we should meet like an hour before

grace: ok i'm fucking down i'll text red

grace: also i'll call kyle

me: will he let us go?

grace: oh imma play the cancer card. besides he loves us he gets prime fucking biz when we're onstage

me: lets fuckin goooooooo

Baby spun around with glee, squealing a little as he did so.

"What's all this?"

Oliver stood in the doorway, a lazy grin on his face as he watched Baby twirl. He was deliciously shirtless and his hair was beautifully bed-tousled. All the tension drained from Baby's body when he saw him, and he grabbed the handle on his oxygen tank so he could bound over and hug Oliver hard.

"Whoa," Oliver chuckled with an armful of Baby. "This is nice."

Baby squeezed him hard, then let go so he could lean up and press his lips to Oliver's. Oliver kissed him softly, slowly. They both tasted of morning breath and it was slightly awful, but there was nowhere else Baby would rather be.

"You're in a lovely mood this morning," Oliver said as they broke apart.

"Tell me why that sounded like sarcasm?"

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