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The best part about living with Baby wasn't the home cooked breakfasts, the free laundry, or even the little haikus he left for Oliver every morning. No, the best part was scary part. The Maybe-I'm-Falling-In-Love part.

It had been three days since Oliver came out to his family. Three days of wearing the same shirt and pants and squeezing into some of Baby's shirts to sleep. Three days of sharing a bed with his boyfriend. Three days of freedom that Oliver had never had before. He and Baby ate dinner whenever they felt like it. They ate food on the couch, in the bedroom. Oliver did his own laundry (albeit poorly) and sometimes Baby's if he asked. They bantered around the house, and when they didn't want to talk they didn't. There was either easy conversation or easy silence. Everything was just easy, and Oliver was starting to realize how stressful living with his family had been. Because living with Baby was fantastic.

Just this morning, he'd woken up to a piece of paper tucked under the pillow.

On my raw chest you

Rest your sleepy earthquake head

Shaking fears away

Oliver had melted. He was really, truly falling for Baby Parker. Which led him to the scary part.

Oliver had never been in love before. He'd slept around, had a few boyfriends, even a few girlfriends before he came out to himself. None of them lasted more than a couple months, and none of them had said the "L" word. He'd only been dating Baby for a month, and he already felt more for the boy than he had for any of his past lovers.

But even though it was a little terrifying, it was one of the best feelings Oliver had ever had in his life. It made him feel like he was flying.

A buzzing brought him out of his thoughts, and he glanced to where he'd left his phone on Baby's bed.

You have (3) unread messages

Oliver grabbed his phone and swiped up.

em&em: so when are we meeting for lunch today

em&em: and where

Then one send a couple minutes later:

em&em: pls answer fran is driving me nuts

Oliver grinned and started typing out a message.

me: aleppo's at noon ish. baby is still getting ready so like, make it a nice 12:15

em&em: see you then

me: don't let your girlfriend kill you

em&em: don't doubt my francesca survival skills

"Oliver?" Baby called from the bathroom, sounding nervous. "Get in here, I need advice."

Oliver tossed his phone back on the bed and meandered to the bathroom. When he saw Baby standing in the doorway, his jaw nearly fell to the floor.

"Are you..." Oliver swallowed. "Are you wearing lip gloss?"

Baby nodded nervously. "Is it okay? What do you think?"

"I think you're going to have to reapply," Oliver told him honestly.

"What? Why?"

"Because this," Oliver took one step forward and tilted Baby's chin up with his hand so he could kiss him.

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