#16 - Married

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Kaito had decided to change his school from Ekoda High to Teitan High School the moment he caught the news of Kudo Shinichi returning to finish his last year of school.

"So, class." The teacher clapped her hands for the students to pay attention. "We have a new student transferring to our school. Please be nice to him!"

Kaito entered the class with a manic grin at Shinichi's pale face, bowing dramatically. "Hi everyone! I'm Kuroba Kaito! I came from Ekoda and I'm an amateur magician! Nice to meet you!" he beamed.

Everyone (except for Shinichi) echoed a 'hi' back at him just to be polite before asking questions at him like a rifle.

"Whoa whoa, hold your horses. I only have two ears and I can only answer one question at a time," he said before picking some people randomly.

"Why do you move here?" a girl from the back asked.

"Someone I knew is in this school so I thought I could change. Besides, I like a new scenery," Kaito answered, loving the livid glare Shinichi throw at him.

A few more boring questions asked and he answered them as truthfully as he could, twisting the truth slightly here and there before a question caught his attention.

"Why do you look like Kudo-kun?" a blonde girl, whom Kaito knew as Suzuki Sonoko, asked.

Kaito blinked in fake curiosity. "Kudo Shinichi? Oh, I get that a lot. Some officers would randomly call me 'Kudo' and I would be standing there in confusion most of the time. I don't know why we look like each other but one thing I can say is that him and I were toddler playmates!" Kaito grinned.

At that, everyone turned to look at the suffering Shinichi at his table. "Is that.. true, Shinichi? How come you'd never told me?" his childhood friend, Mouri Ran, asked.

Shinichi grumbled for a few seconds before sighing, resigning to his fate. "Yeah, we're toddler playmates. Kaa-san would sent me over to Kuroba's house for babysitting while my parents were busy with their careers. I didn't tell because I didn't even remember much other than a bunch of videos and pictures kaa-san kept of the two of us."

The teacher told Kaito to sit at an empty seat next to Shinichi before starting the class.

The wild haired male grin sharply as he sat down, snapping his fingers towards Shinichi and conjured a blue rose. "Hi, Shin-chan!" he chirped.

"Hi, Kaito," Shinichi let out a long suffering sigh before taking the flower, putting it behind his ear and focused on the class with a soft smile.

Kaito didn't pay attention much and played with his cards, too much energy on deck. He knew Shinichi was glancing at him once in a while, watching him doing a trick and another.

It wasn't long until the bell rang, signaling it was lunch time and Kaito immediately latched onto Shinichi. "It was in your sleeve," the blue eyed male deducted. "The card trick earlier."

Kaito laughed loudly, taking out his bento. "I've always knew my Shin-chan is so smart! But you could guessed it only because I let you and that the trick was easy! I bet you can't figure the rest of tricks, Shinichi!"

Shinichi snorted, chewing on his food. "Watch me. I bet I can."

"You're on."

The students stayed in the class unlike they usually did, eating their own packed food while watching the odd but interesting interaction between Shinichi and Kaito.

"Hey, Shin-chan?"

"Hm? I told you not to call me that earlier! It's enough that my mother called me that just to annoy me," Shinichi huffed.

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