+32 - Secret Lover

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So another oneshot. 😂✊ With this, I'm done. Maybe. I dunno. We'll see about it.

Kudo Shinichi had an upcoming football tournament in 3 days and he had invited most of his friends to come and support him. His parents were coming along with Ran and her own parents, Sonoko and her grandfather, Eisuke and his sister, Saguru and his girlfriend, Heiji and Kazuha, Jigen and his thieves gang, Agasa hakase and the Shounen Tantei, some of the TMPD officers that he knew well as well as his boyfriend that no one seemed to know about.

Why was so many coming to the tournament?

Well, the tournament was held by the national football team and the captain were searching for suitable candidates to join the team. Though, Shinichi didn't want to join the team since he was already busy with his detective work but he thought it would be nice to play with his team just to get them to win it instead. So, he played. He practiced hard with them in the evening until the tournament day arrive.

Nervously standing by the side of the field, he tried to calm himself down. He turned to look at the area his family and friends, looking for reassurance and they all waved at him cheerfully. He smiled gently and waved back before his eyes caught the sight of his boyfriend by the bleachers, smiling lovingly at him. He felt his heart immediately calmed as he felt his smile soften.

With renewed confidence, Shinichi went to the field with his team to start the game.

His stance shifted, more focused and determined. His blue eyes sharpened with his lover's smile at the back of his head. His only goal was to get his team as many goals as he can get. He wanted to get his teammates to join the football team and he will get what he wanted.

And the game starts.

Shinichi was panting so hard when the game ended with their team winning with 4 - 1, sweat dripping down his skin, sticking his drenched shirt to it. He gulped the entire water bottle dry as his family and friends came towards him. They congratulate him for getting 3 scores for his team, his efforts finally paid off.

Hide came to him, asking him to join the team but he refused the idea much to his friends' surprise. "I'm already busy with my job with the police department, Hide-san. Besides, I only played for them not because I want to join the football team," he said, smiling sheepishly when Hide looked at him with pride. "Tokyo's favourite detective and celebrity. You have a bright future, Kudo-kun." Shinichi kept on smiling as Hide left.

He tried to be discreet as he tried to search for his lover but Ran caught him. "Who are you looking for, Shinichi? You look like you're searching for someone," she said with suspension. Laughing wearily, he dodged his father's gaze and his best friend's look as he answered, "It's nothing, Ran. I'm not searching for anyone actually."

As if on cue, a bird swooped down and perched on top of his head. Specifically speaking, his boyfriend's pet dove.

He reached up to the bird and made her sit on his shoulder instead when he heard a familiar voice calling for him. He didn't notice how he automatically turn to it as if magnetic. He didn't notice that everyone he knew saw how his expression softened and his body relaxed instantly when a brunette came running towards him.

"Shin-chan!" Kaito called loudly, dragging the word 'chan' while grinning wide. Shinichi caught him when he launched himself into his arms, laughing as they spun around before the elder put him down. "That game was amazing!" Kaito beamed and Shinichi smiled fondly, forgetting that he was in public and no one knew he was dating anyone. "Are you satisfied? I won the bet by the way. You gotta pay up or else I'll hide away all your chocolate stash from you," he smirked.

Kaito whined. "Not fair! You made me do something hard while you do something easy like kicking the ball to the goalpost! You betted that I can't last without any chocolate for a week!" Shinichi raised an eyebrow. "But that didn't stop you from agreeing to the bet like the idiot you are."

"It's not my fault! You know that I'm just as competitive as you are! Besides, you're dating this idiot anyway!" Kaito pouted. Shinichi ruffled his hair gently with a dopey smile. "Of course you are my idiot. Always will be my idiot. My lovely, selfless, magical, beautiful, handsome idiot."

Kaito blushed shyly before tugging at his sleeve. "Nichi, your family are looking."

Indeed they were, staring at them with a 100% surprised look.

"Kaito-kun!" Yukiko beamed. The male beamed back, clutching on her hands firmly. "Yukiko-chan! It's been a while since I last saw you!" he said, hugging her tightly. Yukiko hugged back, squeezing him. "Yes yes! You've grown so handsomely! No wonder Shin-chan was attracted to you!"

Kaito pulled away shyly, glancing at Shinichi. "I was the one who asked him out," he admitted, face turning bright red at Shinichi's smirk. Yukiko raised her eyebrow at the exchange. "Oho? What happened there? Tell me! Tell me! I want to know how you wooed my son to date you!"

"W-We were at the coffee shop by coincidence and he was there, drinking coffee while frustratedly looking at his cold cases. So I thought that I could join him and help out a little. Then we went to Beika Park cause I have a magic show for the kids there and then we went out for dinner and I asked him out. It's boring really."

"Actually," Shinichi started, eyes glinting. "You stuttered so much and tripped in the coffee shop, ruining my files with your iced mocha. You look like you were about to cry," he grinned. Kaito glared at him nastily. "I pitied you when you asked me to accompany you to the park and I only agreed to date you because you look so hopeful."

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight," Kaito growled, arms crossed to his chest. Shinichi paled and hugged him almost instantly. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Please don't hide my books."

"I'm setting up traps in your house, hide away all your Sherlock Holmes books and make you sleep on the couch."

Kaito pretended he didn't hear anything as Shinichi whined at him quite childishly while marching off to the locker room. "You better shower, Shin-chan! You stink and I'm mad at you but I love you and I brought your spare clothes that you forgotten to bring along with a towel."

Shinichi glanced at his family and friends with a helpless smile before hurrying off when Kaito called again, "Shinichi!"

"Introductions and explanations later! I'm gonna shower! Meet you all up later!" Shinichi said and waved, backhugging Kaito as soon as he got closer to the male.

They all watched as a wide smile stretched on the happy couple's faces, chatting about any topic the two geniuses could possibly be talking about. They now know why Shinichi would date Kaito the more they watched those two interact with each other. Knowing Shinichi, they know the male wouldn't date just anyone. Kaito must've been very special to him if he caught the attention of the infamous critic detective, Kudo Shinichi.

If only they would know.

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