Chapter Five

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Catherine looks over the cliff face and sighs before sitting, she could jump, she could fall, and it would do nothing to her. All those jagged rocks at the bottom, she pulls a knee to her chest and rests her chin on the top. What was Alice thinking? Picking out THOSE flowers for the humans wedding. Those were her flowers, the flowers she always had around, always had a vase of, always put one on his piano, from her....those were HER flowers. Catherine closes her eyes and holds her leg closer to herself....then stiffens feeling something behind her. She lifts her head and looks over her shoulder to the great big russet wolf watching her, her eyes widen as it steps closer, big brown eyes meeting red. The wolf's entire frame slacks and it whines watching her.

"I'm not across the treaty line" she tells it. "At least I don't think so" she frowns and looks across the horizon. "Am I?" she asks.


Jacob Black had been on his way back for the wedding, just to talk to Bella one last time, one last chance at convincing her to change her mind, he'd been running in wolf form, letting the grass and trees and snow brush over his fun when the smell had hit him. Rain, campfires and coconuts. Intoxicating. He'd turned path and followed it, all thoughts of Bella gone from his mind. He'd skidded to a stop on an overlook, the smell coming from the ledge below, he stalked closer and closer and closer and then looked down. There she sat, her back to him, blonde hair flailing in the wind, he'd moved to climb down and walked towards her, knowing that this could very much freak her out, the girl stiffened, sensing him and turned to him. And now. Now he's staring into deep red eyes, and imprints. He imprints. On a leech. On a red eyed leech. He knows what that means. A human feeder. A human killer. She's talking at him, to him, but he's not listening, he's just staring at her, his imprint. He growls and she jumps afraid, good, she should be afraid, he could kill her for what she is, he should kill her for what she is. She scoffs and shakes her head.

"If you want to kill me" she starts. "Right now I wouldn't even fight back" he looks to her sharply. "I have nothing to fight for so go ahead.......kill me" there is a begging tone to her voice, she wants him to kill her, she wants to die, his imprint is hurting. But a vampire. He turns and runs away.


Catherine pulls off her jacket as she returns to the Cullen house, Rosalie looks up at her from her magazine and to her sister who looks pale, paler than usual.

"Cat?" Rosalie asks, Catherine shakes her head and sits beside her. "Long day?"

"Long century" Catherine corrects and runs her hands through her hair and leans her head on Rosalie's shoulder.

"Alice is sorry about the flowers...." Rosalie tells her. "She didn't know the significance behind them, she's taken them out of the floral arrangement" Catherine shrugs.

"It's fine..." Catherine tells her. "But I have been thinking" Rosalie looks to her. "I think...after the wedding....I need to leave for good" Rosalie shakes her head and Catherine nods. "Yes....she will be a part of this family, and I can' this, I thought I could but I can't, I love you, so much....but I still love him too....and this hurts too much....I should never have come back"

"But I don't want you to go" Rosalie begs. "You're my baby sister....."

"And you are my big will always be my sister" Catherine hugs her and kisses her cheek. "Please accept that this is what I need to do" Rosalie nods and hugs her back. "It is leave or be miserable for the rest of my immortal life"

"I just want you to be happy" Rosalie tells her. "So if leaving makes you happy....then I will support your decision to go...." Catherine smiles at her. "And I love you too" Rosalie adds with a small smile. "I will always love you" the two sisters share a warm look, Catherine then stands.

"I'm going to play the cello for a bit" Catherine tells her.

"Have fun" Rosalie teases dryly, Catherine looks to her and she smirks. Catherine leaves.


Jacob-wolf paces in front of Sam-wolf, huffing and growling away. Sam watches, listens to his thoughts and memories, he's thinking of his imprint. The blonde vampire. Sam cocks his huge wolf head.

[She's with the Cullens] Sam tells Jacob who snaps his wolfy head up. Sam shows Jacob his memories of meeting the new Cullen.

[Who is she?] Jacob asks.

[I don't know...just that she's with them....maybe for the wedding] Jacob-wolf shrugs his shoulders back and then starts pacing again. [If she's your imprint....]

[She's a leech] Jacbo growls.

[And your imprint] Sam offers softer. [You know we cannot control these things, which means, she was chosen for you]

[Well I don't choose her!!] Jacob growls back. He won't choose a leech, he won't accept her as his imprint. He doesn't want her. He wants Bella. He wants Bella as a human. Not the leech. Not the vampire. He growls and takes off again, Sam sighs. Knowing that his can't be fought.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now