Chapter Six

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Rosalie smirks looking over her sister as Catherine stands in front of a mirror curling her hair.

"Well that dress is...." Rosalie starts.

"Ah well...I was in New York during fashion week" Catherine tell Rosalie back. "And this was a gift" Catherine runs her hand down the dress. "Maybe I picked up some ideas from my big sister" She teases, Rosalie laughs and moves to her to touch the dress.

"It really is beautiful" Rosalie takes her hand. "And you look more so in it..." Rosalie smirks at her, Catherine smiles.

"And yes, you can borrow it when I'm done" Rosalie chuckles as Catherine reaches up to twirl her hair up.

"Here, I've got it" Rosalie takes over and pins her little sister's hair up. "Are you going to be okay?" she asks.

"You mean am I going to behave?" Catherine alters. Rosalie shrugs. "I will behave....I'm not here to cause trouble, Rose, I just want to spend time with my family before I leave...." Rosalie smiles and kisses Catherine's cheek. "Maybe I'll travel, see the world..." Rosalie nods and loops arms with her sister.

"Me and Em will only be a phone call away"

"I know" Catherine tells her softly, the two sisters sharing a loving look, they will always have each other. Emmett walks into the room and smiles at the two girls.

"Ready?" he asks them.


Emmett holds on Catherine's hand through the ceremony, he sits between the two sisters, Catherine's fingers holding tightly back to him, her free hand curled around his arm. He's her anchor, to keep her calm, though it's not working, this is her ex's wedding, how did they really think she would be? Rainbows and puppys and lollipops. Of course she wasn't. Someone she believed loved her is marrying another woman. A plain human girl at that. A pathetic, pitiful human that's almost got Catherine's family killed, a number of times now all in her quest for immortality. Edward shoots Catherine a look and she smirks darkly and shows him her imagination, of her killing Bella, in her wedding dress, it would be poetic justice after all. Rosalie did something similar. Emmett nudges her and shoots her a look, Catherine rolls her eyes and looks away.


Catherine sits alone at the reception, her fingers drawing patterns into the table she's sat at, avoiding looking at the 'happy' couple, the looks Bella keeps shooting her, smug, likes she's won. And yeah, maybe she has. The human has taken everything from her. Catherine looks up and across at Chief Swan. How easy it would be to take everything from her. In a blink she could snap his neck. Drop his cold dead body to the floor. Ruining the wedding. Wiping that smug look from Bella's face. Her mother would be next. Catherine looks to Renee laughing with her husband, Phil. By then there would be chaos, she'd have to get rid of all the witnesses of course, all the humans would have to die, she doesn't care, she'd do it just to hurt the bride. She looks to Edward who glances to her, she smirks and then looks away, a little more than satisfied.

"Hello, Cat" she turns to Kate who smiles a little, Kate, vampire cousin from another coven.

"Kate" she greets looking back to the table. Kate sits beside her and takes her hand.

"I'm sorry" Kate tells her. "About....."

"Yeah" Catherine states pulling her hand away. "So everyone keeps telling me" she crosses her arms over her chest. "Still came to the wedding" She tells her, Kate nods.

"Edward is still family too, and we're not taking sides...." Kate tells her, Catherine sighs and sighs.

"I need to take a walk" she walks away, wrapping an arm around herself.


Edward takes Bella away from the wedding crowd.

"Another one of your gifts just arrived" Edward tells her.


"Yeah, come on"

"What's a wedding present doing out here?"

"Just a little more private" Suddenly Jacob appears ahead of them.

"The best man didn't have time to get a tux" Jacob states, though it feels flat to him, he should be excited to see her, she is his friend, a girl he claims to love but there is nothing, he feels hollow around her, Edward frowns.

"Hey" Bella greets.

"Hey, Bella" Jacob greets a little, Edward wraps an arm around Bella.

"Where have you been? We were gonna put your face on a milk carton" Bella asks.

"Mostly northern Canada. I think. It's weird to be back on two legs again, in clothes. Gotten out of practice with the whole human thing"

"Are you okay? Being here?" Bella asks.

"Why? Afraid I'll trash your party? You're not the only one. You'd think I'd be used to telling you goodbye by now" Jacob tells her, though his hearts not in it, his inner wolf stirring, wanting to go back into the woods. "This was a mistake" Jacob whispers, he looks to Bella. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come" Bella frowns at him as he backs away into the tree before turning and running. Something else guiding him forward. Something stronger. He runs through the trees following....he doesn't even know what. He skids to a stop sensing movement ahead of him, pauses and then creeps forward. Stood ahead of him is Catherine, her shoes in her hand and her hair pulled down, the wind blowing it past her, it's terribly cliché, the way she looks to him, from behind, but right now, his inner wolf is at peace, he pauses and watches her just stare out at the river.

"I know you're there" she states without looking at him. He steps closer to her, sniffing, there's nothing vampiric about her scent, not the same way it is with the others, rain, campfires and coconuts. She looks over her shoulder at him, her eyes are no longer as red, more a tinted gold. "Can I help you?" she asks.

Catherine (J. Black)Where stories live. Discover now