Chapter Thirty Three

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Catherine holds Rosalie's hand as the older blonde falls in and out of consciousness which obviously for a vampire is......bad. Bella sits beside Catherine, staying quiet, thankfully, Carlisle stands pacing with a book open in his hands, his doctor mind working on overload. Jacob, Leah, and Seth sit with the offspring in the corner. Seth for once is silent. Edward stands with Emmett trying to keep him calm. No one has any idea why this is different, Niklaus bit Catherine and she turned into a hybrid, whilst Rosalie is getting sick, and getting worse.

"Maybe we can go to the park tomorrow, Cat" Rosalie states, everyone looks to her and then to Catherine. "Royce is taking me on a picnic" Catherine turns and kneels at Rosalie's side.

"Rose" She whispers and strokes her cheek. "It's Cat...." Rosalie looks to her, barely seeing her.

"Tomorrow" Rosalie promises. "We'll go to the park tomorrow" Catherine looks to Carlisle.

"She's hallucinating" He states. "Talk to her" Catherine nods and sniffles,

"Sure, Rose...we'll go to the park tomorrow" Catherine looks to Carlisle.

"I'm going to marry him, Cat" Rosalie tells her with a smile, Catherine sniffles and nods. Emmett looks away.

"I'm sorry" Catherine whispers as she takes Rosalie's hand and holds it to her chest. Something has to be different, Catherine holds Rosalie's hand to her forehead. Different. Something......Catherine looks up and across at Niklaus. "Of course" she whispers and jumps up.

"Catherine?" Carlisle asks watching the hybrid move to his tray of medical equipment, she snatches a scalpel off of it and moves back to Rosalie.

"Rose" Catherine whispers crouching by her sister. "I need you to drink this" Catherine slices open her palm and then presses it against her sister's mouth, Rosalie groans and tries to turn away. Catherine holds firm. "Drink it, Rose" she commands, Rosalie grabs hold of Catherine's wrist and drinks from the wound.

"What are you doing?" Carlisle asks moving to her side.

"What was different when Nik bit me?" she asks looking to him. Carlisle then laughs.

"His blood was in your system..." he answers. "Hybrid blood" Rosalie groans and then falls unconscious. Catherine pulls her hand back and they all watch her. "How long did it take for you to....'come back'?"

"Minutes" Jacob answers.

"So we wait?" Emmett asks looking to Carlisle and Catherine.

"For now" Carlisle answers. Catherine looks to Emmett.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault" Emmett shakes his head and moves to his little sister-in-law, takes her face in his hands as she cries.

"It's okay" he tells her. "It was an accident, none of us knew....." he pulls her into a hug, she sniffles into his shirt. "It's okay" he tells her and strokes her back. Rosalie bolts up right and sucks in a breath, Emmett moves to her side immediately and brushes her hair back from her face. "'s me, I'm right here" she looks to Emmett and smiles.

"What happened?" she asks and then looks to her sister. "'ve been crying, what's wrong? What's she done now?" Catherine shakes her head.

"Nothing...nothing..." Carlisle moves to Rosalie.

"What do you remember?" He asks her. Rosalie looks to him and frowns.

"I was outside with Nik....he bit me" Rosalie answers, Carlisle nods. "Is he okay?" Carlisle smiles and nods.

"Nik's fine, he's with his dad" Carlisle nods to Jacob and Niklaus. "Are you okay?" He asks Rosalie who touches her chest and then smiles.

"I'm like them now, right?" she asks. "I can feel my heart beating" she laughs and grabs Emmett's hand and pulls it to her chest. Emmett smiles and kisses her. Catherine shuffles and wraps an arm around herself, Rosalie looks to her.

"I'm sorry" Catherine tells her sister. "I'm sorry" Rosalie stands and moves to her baby sister and hugs her.

"Why?" Rosalie asks and kisses her head. "It was an accident. He didn't mean to hurt me..."

[Aunt Rosie] Rosalie and Catherine snap their heads around the Niklaus who looks to Rosalie.

"You heard him" Catherine states, Rosalie nods and looks to her sister.

"I heard him..." Rosalie affirms and then moves to Niklaus. She sniffs and smirks looking to Jacob. "You don't smell so bad now" she teases, Jacob laughs and stands Niklaus up for Rosalie. "This is so surreal" she whispers. "I feel..weird....cause everything's working again"

"Yeah, wait till you have to pee" Catherine tells her, the two sisters then laughing.

"I'd like to run a few tests" Carlisle states. "Just to make sure....alright?" Rosalie nods and lifts up Niklaus.

"It's alright, little one...I'm not mad at you" Rosalie coos. "Everything's alright" she holds Niklaus closer to her and smiles at her sister. "Wait" Rosalie states. "Does this mean I have to turn into a dog?" she asks.

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