Chapter Seven - From the Ashes...

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I broke almost every traffic law. The wind rippled through my hair as I drove at eighty mph down the streets, cars blurred past, some shouted as I speed past them, their words lost in the wind. My mind was fixed on three things. The first was getting my sister out of school before Colts got her, the second was killing Colts when I see him and the third was trying to get to the school without crashing. The last one was probably the hardest one because I was not slowing down for anything, I had almost hit a few people on the way to the school and I didn't even care, almost like something else was in control of the bike and I was in the backseat, along for the ride. I tried not to think about what had happened at my house but how do you push down all that emotion, you found out that your dad was murdered by the man that killed your mom and a store full of people. There was no amount of reasoning that I could think of that could justify what he did. He called my dad dangerous, but he was only a scientist. Colts spoke to my mom like they were friends. Whatever he knew about my parents, I was going to make sure that before I kill him I'd find out. The sound of the shots bouncing off the walls of the house echoed through my head and continued like a broken record. I felt my blood boil under my skin, death wasn't good enough for him a small voice whispered in the wind and like an itch it persisted chiding more comments slowly getting louder. Even as they grew I welcomed them into my head like an open house, I wanted him to suffer and the thoughts were just making me feel almost excited to put him through so much pain that I didn't even notice that I was at school already.

Transgress trucks surrounded the school, I hoped that Colts wasn't already here yet but the truck he was in wasn't anywhere to be seen. Two guards marked every possible entrance to the school, well every entrance that they knew about. There was one more entrance into the school that even the school board had forgotten about, a cellar that led under the school. I had found it when I was younger, while I was roaming around the school after getting picked on, I was looking for somewhere to be alone and under a dumpster I found it. I never told anyone about it and I'm glad I hadn't because I would go there sometimes to be alone. I parked the bike in the bushes so it wouldn't get spotted while I was gone and crept through the bushes to the get to the back of the school where the entrance was. When I got to the back, two guards chatted against the wall behind the school, next to the cellar door. They both looked uncomfortable in their uniform, the black camo uniform with the Transgress emblem on their right sleeves. Slung across their shoulders were shotguns that could easily blow my head off if got close enough. One of them had shaggy brown hair and the other so bald that the sun reflected off his head like it was a polished mirror. I tried to think of a way to get them away from the dumpster long enough for me to push the dumpster off the cellar door so I could open the door, I knew that I couldn't fight two grown men by myself especially since they had guns. A distraction would work but I couldn't think of one that would last long enough for me push the dumpster and open the door. The only thing I could think of was to fight but I knew it was a losing battle. As I prepared myself to fight, the bald guy grabed his walkie talkie from his belt. I could hear a loud screaming noise come from the walkie and the faces of the two men change to shook and terror when the chatter stopped the two men looked at each other and bolted to the right and disappeared. God had been watching over, but I prayed that they don't come back. I ran out of the bushes and straight for the dumpster and a horrid smell hit me as I got within five feet of it. I was ready to throw up again, but I pushed down the thought. I wondered how the two men could even stand the smell. I grabbed the dumpster's side and pulled it off the cellar doors with all the strength I could muster, it made a lot of noise, but I was too late to back down I was just going to hope I didn't attract anyone's attention. Once the dumpster was completely off the door I ran straight for them to find a lock on it, I felt like I had wasted my time but in the corner of my eye, I saw a brick. I reached for the brick and hit the lock, but it stayed on, so I hit again and I again getting more furious at every hit that didn't break the lock, with all the anger I had built up I raised the brick over my head brought it down with so much force that the lock flew off and left a dent on the cellar door. I yanked the door open and ventured into familiar darkness.

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