Chapter Sixteen - Motel Madness

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As the door shut I could hear a loud wail fill the still air. I turned around to see everyone over Ellie's body, I ran over to her, my sister had dropped the knife and a bullet covered in ruby red blood, she squirmed uncomfortably in place.

"What's happening? Is she okay?" I slid onto the floor next to everyone, Adam had his hands on her head holding it steady and Meg looked around the area watching people walk up and down the street.

"The bullet went straight through her muscle and got stuck in her scapula," Stephy said hastily.

"You know I failed bio."

"Not the time Oliver, it hit her shoulder blade. I can heal it but I need to stop the bleeding because I can't work with all the blood coming out. I need you to cauterize the wound."

"You want me to burn her!"

"Yes!" She shouted, she took my hand and made me pinch the bloody wound which made squirm even more.

"Ellie, this will hurt a lot," I said to her softly.

"Freaking do it Stark!" Ellie said through the pain, my sister took her hand and Ellie gripped it with so much force that Stephy's hand was turning white around her hand. I took a sharp inhale and started to heat up my fingers, in a few seconds smoke began to rise from where I held her skin. Adam and my sister who were holding Ellie down as she winced, crushing their hands, while Meg turned away as she clenched her jaw.

"Oliver, you can stop." But before Stephy finish, I let go of her and where my fingers were was a blazing red mark in the shape of my thumb and index finger. The hole was now an apple red mark that my sister quickly put a wet cloth over.

"Holy shit, that was horrible. I'm going to sleep for a second." Ellie said as she closed her eyes. I looked at my sister worryingly.

"Don't worry about her, she'll be fine, but we'll have to set up camp here. She can't go anywhere for now."

"Well, it's a good thing we have landed at a motel. I can go get us a room." I said as I stood up from beside everyone. "Adam, are you okay?" I asked before I left. All he did was lift his thumb but kept his eyes on Ellie and with that, I made my way to the reception.

I walked out to the very front of the long length of the building. The wall opened up to a small patio, two small benches guarded a small glass door and on either side of those were tall potted plants that began to graze the ceiling whenever the wind went through the opening. Light fixtures hung from the above like bats off a cave ceiling. As I pushed the door open a little jingle could be heard from above as a mini bell swaying to and fro, announcing my arrival. For a reception area, it was quite underwhelming. The walls were a tired brown that ran into the mouldy mustard carpet, picture frames hung crookedly on their nails and the light fixture on the ceiling was full of dead insects casing their shadows upon the room like the reminisces of war. In front of me, the man I had almost accidentally turned into a barbeque was shouting at the poor receptionist who flinched back with every bark he threw her way. The girl behind the desk was probably about my age with kinky hair blown out almost fresh out the salon and her ebony skin glowed in the awkward orange light.

"...I ain't paying ta have my toilet stop working. This is appalling." He howled.

"As I said before sir, the plumber will be here in the morning, if you just leave me your room number he will see you as soon as you get in. For now, there is water in the restroom here in the lobby." She had a very polite voice, she was trying her best to please the man with what she had to work with.

"This is what happens when someone like you gets employed. They should'a got a whi-" He started before I stepped in between him and the receptionist and cut him off.

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