Unexpected Events

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As Lumina leaned forward to switch on some music on the radio, Gavin slapped her hand, making her coil back to her seat and Luke snickered. "Sit back properly!" he said angrily while driving his deranica-a vehicle run on magic energy.

Rolling her eyes, she took out her phone but Kuromi snapped his fingers, making it disintegrate. "What the-Kuro! Why did you both pick us up anyway?! You busted the party......" Lumina mumbled grumpily.

At that, Kuromi turned his head back to look at his sister directly and said sarcastically, "Because we were bored sweetheart. That's why we left our training to pick you up." "Because Rin is already mad at you both and sneaking out is not the best way to please him." explained Gavin.

"Aw man...but Gav, Kuro...I'm hungry." grumbled Luke. "Oh okay. We'll stop by at a pizza joint." Kuromi replied sweetly. "Really?!" asked Lumina excitedly. "NO!" they both yelled simultaneously, making their little siblings wince.

After a moment, Lumina said, "Sorry..." The boys just sighed. "It's okay. Just....don't go sneaking off again. Next time you both wanna go somewhere, you can ask one of us to take you." Gavin said softly. "Yeah, but Rin is the one who you really need to apologize to." Smiled Kuromi.

When they finally came back home, the first thing the twins did was rush up to Rin's study, where he was going over some files. Taking a deep breath, they walked to him and when he looked up at them, Lumina spoke up, "Rin, we're sorry." "Yeah...we didn't mean- I mean we shouldn't have done what we did. And we'll accept whatever punishment you give.." Luke added and Lumina nodded in agreement.

Rin then got up and hugged them tightly and knelt down to be on eye level with them as he said, "It's okay. I'm glad you realized your mistake and apologized. That's all I wanted."

. . . . . .

Later in the evening, Ash watched as his kids filed into their living room and when everyone was there, he asked, "Guys are you ready for the party tonight for the Original Demons?" The guests will start arriving in a few hours."

"Yes Daddy!" chirped little Ashleigh. "Good. And please keep in mind that you have to be on your best behaviour." Replied Ash.

"Why? There are only five Original Demons. Three are you, uncle Kai and uncle Zen. And the other two are Lucifer and Adrian-and I seriously don't care what those two think." Lumina contradicted.

"They may be as old as your brothers, who you obviously treat the way you want to, but learn to respect people Lume." he said sternly. "Yes Father......" Lumina whispered and looked away. "And kids, please don't embarrass me." He added with a grin, making her smile.

. . . . . .

Giggling, Ashleigh and Lumina ditched the party and ran to the garden for some fresh air.

"Did you see the way Alex and Alexis were dancing around?!" Ashleigh exclaimed. "I know right! Or how Rin taught the bragging weirdo a lesson for breaking a vase!" Lumina laughed, "Dad looks so exhausted when Rin gets mad!"

Suddenly Lumina felt as if they were being watched. Sharing a glance, they both turned and froze.

"My, my. What are you beauties doing out here, when the party is inside?" taunted Lucifer. "I could ask you the same question, but instead of a beauty, you're an idiot." Lumina replied back but when she turned to see her sister, she saw Adrian step closer to her and both of them were holding hands.

"Hey! Our brothers are around!" she warned them but Lucifer suddenly yanked her towards him. "Didn't I tell you not to worry about the Princes, my sweetheart?" "I'm not yours and I never WILL be!" she spat, "Let go of me and get lost!"

At that moment Gavin appeared. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded. "None of your business. This is between me and Lumina." Lucifer snapped.

Gavin's gaze locked with Lumina's who looked away. "Lumina. What's going on?" "I said its none of your business you brat. So back. Off."

At that Gavin pulled Lumina behind him by grabbing her wrist. "Lumina is my little sister so whatever you do or say to her is my business. Don't you dare touch her again." He warned, glaring at Lucifer, "Ashleigh. Lumina. Come inside right now before I decide to tell Dad."

He walked back inside, followed by his sisters. The moment they were out of the brothers' sights, Gavin stopped and turned to face the girls. "Okay what was all that about?!" "Nothing Gavin-" Ashleigh started but Gavin cut her off "Don't give me that nonsense. It sure didn't look like nothing." "Gav, me and Lucifer just had a little argument and he got angry at it. That's all." Lumina replied and walked upstairs, leaving her siblings speechless.

As Lumina walked through a corridor she thought she heard someone whispering. Confused, she followed the voice and ended up standing in front of a door, Lumina slowly creaked it open and stepped inside. The moment she was inside the room, the door slammed shut making her jump in surprise.

She looked around and saw that she was in a bedroom, belonging to someone who would never use it again. Suddenly Lumina saw a flash of light from the corner of her eye and turned to the window but froze.

Beside the window, looking outside, stood a man with his long bangs, reflected by the moonlight, falling over his eyes.

Slowly, she walked up to him. When she was standing right behind him, he chuckled and turned to face her.

Seeing him, tears formed in her eyes and Lumina raised her hand to push the hair off his eyes. The man smiled at her with sadness being reflected in his eyes as he said, "I missed you, Lumina."


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