A Shocking Return

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Holding his head in frustration, Ash sunk deeper into the couch as his son set his cup of coffee on the table and sat down beside him. "You alright, Father?" asked Kuromi.

"Yeah....yeah. I'm just tired...tired of work, tired of complaints and tired of the trouble your sister stirs up for me." He sighed.

Kuromi leaned back on the couch as he spoke, "Don't let what Lumina does, bother you. You know her better than anyone. It's just the way she is sometimes. Calm down."

Hearing him, Ash smiled. "You really are the best." "I know." He smirked and closed his eyes.

. . . . . . .

Ashleigh breathed heavily as she finally opened the door to the roof and stepped out. "Hello?" she called out when someone suddenly covered her eyes. She smiled as a deep voice whispered, "Took you long enough." "Not my fault my house is too big Adri." Luke contradicted.

Adrian removed his hands fro her eyes and stepped in front of her. "I guess you're right my sweet, intelligent Ashleigh." He said as a smirk appeared on his face. "Aren't I always? But....what Lucifer did today...It was too far. Can't you talk to him?" she asked.

"I know, I know...but I'm his younger brother so.....what I say doesn't really have that much of an effect on him. Besides, he does whatever he wants."

Ashleigh sighed and hugged him tightly. Many people-especially her brothers- hated the Engrande brothers. Ashleigh and her sister used to be one of those people but then they started seeing beyond all the rudeness of the boys. True, Lumina and Lucifer always fought, but while they argued, Ashleigh and Adrian grew closer to each other.

He returned her embrace. After a few moments, he spoke up, "Listen uh.....Ashleigh?" Ashleigh looked up and thanks to the moonlight, she could see him blush a little, arousing her curiosity.

This was the time he had been impatiently waiting for. He could feel his cheeks going red as Adrian took a deep breath. "Ashleigh Blaze, will you marry me?"

He looked at her nervously as her eyes widened in surprise- or maybe horror. But then she smiled brightly. "Wow....listen Adri. I love you. And I do want to be with you but....just give me a little time to decide and I also need to get my father's approval.......and siblings'.

"But-okay. I know that your family means a lot to you. Take all the time you need." Adrian smiled and teleported away as she walked back inside.

. . . . . .

"Wait.....no....this is not right! Who the hell are you?! How did you get inside my brother's room!" Lumina exclaimed.

The smile dropped from his face. "It is me, Lumina; your brother. This is my spiritual essence. Not my physical self. There was a mission that I was a part of. I was the leader of my team but I am no longer here to continue it. I don't have much time and I can't do this alone. I need you. And I need your trust."

Run! Do not listen...... Lumina, get out! Suddenly, Lumina heard a deep, familiar voice. But after seeing that there was no one other than the two of them, she shrugged it off.

"What are you talking about?! What can't you do alone? I don't understand!" she said in utter confusion. "I will meet you again, dear Lumina. Sooner or later, but remember this. It will begin from the end of time, where your heart will lead to this quest of mine. Only when you let it free, in this mission will you succeed." Jake replied, leaving her at a loss of words.

"Here, take this. It will guide you." he said and put something in her hands. Lumina looked at it and whispered, "This is your ring....Wait! Jake!" she yelled as he started fading away. He just smiled before vanishing and then everything went black as her consciousness slipped away.

. . . . . . .

The next morning when everyone was having breakfast, Ash checked his watch to see the time. Twenty minutes had passed. This pissed him off.

"Zen, Kai?" He called. "Yeah brother?" Zen asked. "Where the hell is my kid?" Sipping juice, Kai pointed at Ashleigh who was playing with her food. "Not her! The spoiled brat!"

Zen looked at Kuromi, then back at him. "ZEN!" Kuromi said in astonishment making him struggle to hide his smile. "No, not him!" Ash yelled in frustration.

At that, Zen looked at Ash expressionlessly. "Zen, he means Lumina." Kai chuckled as Ash's sons' burst laughing. "Oh. Couldn't you have mentioned her name Ash? Is it my fault you have so many kids?! And how the hell am I supposed to know where Lume is?!" Zen exclaimed.

"Because you guys are her favourite people in the family." Ash stated. "YOU'RE HER FATHER!" they yelled simultaneously at him, making Ash flinch. "Whatever, Kuromi go find your sister." Ash said. Rolling his eyes, Kuromi got up and left the dining room.

. . . . . . .

Kuromi muttered under his breath as he was about to go back downstairs. He was really annoyed that he had to leave his tea to find Lumina. And now that he couldn't find her, he was agitated. Why couldn't she ever be a good little sister, who didn't make him angry?

When he was descending the stairs, Kuromi stopped. He had checked all the bedrooms upstairs except one. Sighing, he walked back to Jake's bedroom.

"Lumina?!" Kuromi exclaimed when he saw her unconscious on the floor.

Finally, when he woke her up, they quietly went back to have breakfast. Unfortunately that did not mean that Ash let her off the hook, as he scolded her tremendously.

. . . . . . .

What did he mean?.......What's the end of time and.......what do I have to set free?....I'm pretty sure it's not a bird.....As she lay on her bed, Lumina kept thinking about these things.

Be careful...Be careful Lumina spoke the same, familiar male voice. Instantly, she looked around, snapped out of her thoughts, but there was no one in sight. At that moment, she saw her sister walk in, biting her lip with an anxious look in her eyes.

"Ashleigh." Lumina said softly. No answer. "Ashleigh!" she called a little louder. Her sister seemed to snap out of a trance. "Huh? Oh.....uh what is it Lumi?"

"What's wrong?" Lumina asked. "Nothing..." she muttered and walked out to the balcony. Sensing something was off, Lumina went to her and held her hand. "You know I can tell when you are lying. Now spill. What's bothering you?"

Ashleigh sighed as both of them sat down on the soft carpet on the balcony. "It's a long story." But Lumina snapped her fingers making ice cream tubs and pizza boxes appear. "Okay FINE! So I went to the roof last night to meet Adri-Mmph!" Lumina had suddenly covered her sister's mouth.

The next second, Rin appeared beside them with a devilish grin on his face. "Interesting. I see there's a party going on without me."

"You weren't invited, so get lost before I call our father." Ashleigh threatened.


"Your sister."


"Just GO already brother!"

"Fine, fine." Rin chuckled and left. "Yeah so I went to meet Adrian and he.........h-he proposed to me!" Ashleigh exclaimed. "Oh ok........wait WHAT?! That stupid good-for-nothing jerk face had the guts to propose to my sister?! I'm gonna kill him!" Lumina yelled, causing her to burst into laughter.

At that moment, Zach arrived from a portal. "Rin was right! Girls get to bed right now or double training tomorrow!". "Did you say Rin? That stupid, idiotic-mmph!" Lumina covered her sister's mouth again. "Calm down. Anyway, Zach please let us stay up for half an hour more!", and gave him the irresistible puppy eyes.

Finally, Zack gave in, "Ugh....okay. But just thirty minutes. Not a second longer." "Best magic trainer ever!" the girls cheered as he teleported away.

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