why i did it

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Adrien's POV

I was surprised when Marinette slapped lila, ya I know Chloe and Lila bully everyone but it's not that bad that she had to slap her.
After she slapped lila I ran after marinette,

"Hey marinette." I said to get her attention.

"What." She said still angry.

"Um, was slapping Lila really necessary." I asked

"Yes." She said

"Why did you slap her" I asked

"why did I slap her, because she doesn't care about anybody in the entire School, she doesn't care if someone gets hurt or is sad, she enjoys it, she enjoys hurting people or causing them pain. I tried so hard to be nice to her so hard I'm done with her crap along with Chloe's as well I'm tired of just walking down the hallway then getting tripped, or getting a drink spilled on me, and I'm tiered of getting my hair ripped out of my fucking head, or swing my friends get bullied, I don't know if you notice but every body is done with them, and so am I !!"


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