(Chapter 25) I won't give up

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Anybody here like banana milk?

I accidentally got hooked.





"Things like... jealousy?"

Jungkook tilts his head, looking into your face.

You can feel yourself flush, the red flaming over your cheeks and neck.

You see Mira in your peripheral.

She's leaning back, watching the two of you with an amused grin on her face.

Because there is still some good in the universe, a manager bursts into the room to save you from yourself.

"Omo, you guys are still here? Bangtan are going down to the cars already. It's time to get home and rest, Jungkook," he frowns disapprovingly.

"You two, get back to the dorms and Heal."

He waves at both of you, dismissing the pair as he sits down beside Mira to look at her ankle.

You shrug at Jungkook, then quickly using the chance to fly to the door and almost run down the hall.

How dare he levy jealousy on YOU, when HE was the one who got so worked up that he pushed Taehyung into a wall?

At least you hurt Mira by accident.

He hurt Taehyung on purpose.

The elevator doors are closing as you approach them.

You push off with your feet, jogging the last few meters and sliding sideways into the gap as the doors come together.

The elevator is already packed.

"Sorry, excuse me," you pant as you bump into RM and his stylist.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin asks.

"He was... somewhere back there behind me," you answer, only to realize how it made you look like an escapee.

Someone sniggers.

RM's eyebrows lift.

"Ah..." he concedes.

You dread what he is going to say next, but he says nothing.

Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xReader (feat. Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now