(Chapter 39) You make me begin

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Soulmates... you make me begin.

My first ranks on the board,
my first hundred, then thousand follows,
my first tweets,
my first time thinking my stories are any good...

my first everything is here with you guys.

Thank you guys so, so much.

I have the best readers ever.
I wish I could thank and highfive each and every one of you.

... Highfive chain?




A shoutout to @Mystic__Potato
for all the super awesome support

thank you <3





 "Goodnight, baby."


It takes forever,

but when your heartbeat barely manages to calm down,

and you stop hearing his low voice echoing in your mind,

exhaustion claims you,

and you fall asleep.


The warm, pleasant tingling

follows you into the dream, too.

It's the same.

Everything is a soft gold.

You're standing in a field,

short grass swaying in the breeze.

Jungkook stands across from you, his hand outstretched.

Your arm is reaching toward him;

Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xReader (feat. Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now