The Filmmaker

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I met Jason when I moved to Oregon in 2010, we started dating not long after and it was pretty great. As all relationships do we hit a dry run after a few years due to hectic work schedules, little free time and just not being able to be around one another much. It was welcomed news when we were both actually able to plan our vacations together in such a way that we both had a solid week off simultaneously.

Well Jason went crazy planning and being a native to Oregon was all about the outdoors. I was more of a stay in with a book and pizza girl, but for the sake of breaking up the monotony I let him take the lead on this one.

Jason was super excited that his uncle let him borrow the cabin for a few days. He said it was out in the middle of Elliot State Forest and would be great to get out of the city just the two of us. Guess he was capitalizing on the romance novels I read because it totally hit a nerve with me on a good level. The night before he went crazy packing, we had clothes, portable heaters, food and Jason in typical guy fashion had his "survival pack."

It had knives, three hundred flashlights and for some odd reason mountain climbing equipment... (He watched a lot of survival shows.)

I let him have his fun; I was more excited to be alone with him finally and to be surrounded by the forest. The peace and quiet would be bliss compared to the sounds of traffic day and night. Besides, I couldn't remember the last time I saw the stars. The next day we drove to his uncle's to get the keys to the place and had to visit for a while for pleasantries sake.

He and Jason caught up on old times and shared a few stories over lunch, the only strange thing came when he started telling Jason about the cabin.

He asked Jason if he had any protection, Jason told him that we didn't own a firearm of any kind. He asked him if he wanted to borrow one of his to which Jason and I said no. I asked him if wild animals were that big of a concern out there to which he simply shook his head and said, "Never mind, I'm sure you two will be fine."

Well I tried to shake it off best I could but damn did that put a weird feeling in my gut. In any case Jason got the keys and we were bound for our little cabin in the woods.

Jason insisted on playing his awful playlist on the drive but I gritted my teeth and let him have his moment. After a while civilization began to be swallowed by the thick forest and winding roads that took us deeper into it. We finally reached a point where the road just stopped, there was a spot to pull the vehicle over into a kind of make shift shoulder.

"Alright baby, we have to walk from here." He said smiling as he got out of the car and opened the trunk.

Great, I thought as I got out and followed suit. We loaded up our packs with all our bedding, clothes, food and supplies and made a solid two mile hike down an old, worn, man-made trail. Around six thirty we arrived at the cabin and I was not disappointed. It was everything you'd imagine it would be, rustic, cozy, surrounded by thick forest but well cared for. The kind of place you could rent out if need be. I could already see myself on the large porch, feet kicked up and my newest read with the warm sun on me.

Jason fumbled with the key for a bit but we gained entry, inside was even better. It was adorned with antlers, wood and graveling all over the walls and even a big fireplace right next to an old box television set that was no doubt there for aesthetic value. The kitchen had modern appliances and even the bathroom was up to date and clean. This little slice of heaven in the middle of nowhere... I half wanted to ask Jason to convince his uncle to let us live here! After the initial shock and awe was over we set straight in to making ourselves at home.

I put away food and the likes while Jason put toiletries and bedroom things away. After a while we were at home in our cabin in the woods and snuggled up next to a fire fantasizing on leaving life and running away to live here.

Jason toyed with the idea of becoming a wild man and living off the grid and from the land but we were both too spoiled to rough it. We settled for laughing, talking and making out, needless to say the first night there was perfection. The next day was mostly spent walking around small trails outside the cabin, nature watching and each of us relaxing in our own ways. I would read outside while it was sunny and then read some more while soaking in the huge soaker bathtub next to candle light. Cliché as it seems it did the trick for relaxing me, Jason was chopping fire wood with an axe he found leaning against the cabin. That night after a romantic dinner of homemade chicken alfredo and the finest thirteen dollar wine the drug store had to offer, Jason and I prepared for bed.

Of course we couldn't let such a romantic setting go to waste so naturally Jason started getting frisky. Light pecks and Eskimo kisses turned into heavy making out and then... well you know. Right in the middle Jason hops out of bed and rushes over to his pack next to a large dresser. He fumbles around in the dark and I hear some electronic buttons being pressed. I grew curious and turned on the lamp on the nightstand next to me.

"Oh no, no we totally are not Jason!" I yelled as I watched him fumble with the high definition camera he was setting up to film us.

"Babe come on, like really... most guys look at porn, I just wanna look at you, can we please?" He pleaded with a very good argument if I must admit.

I thought about it but reason reigned supreme, "No sir, we cannot... imagine if this leaks and we lose our jobs or something, you want it then it's off camera but you better hurry cause I'm losing the mood."

Jason hesitated but wasn't about to call my bluff, he turned the camera off and set it on the dresser lens pointed away from us.

Maybe it was the cool night, amazing dinner or relaxing atmosphere of the rustic cabin in the secluded forest but... the sex was amazing! We fell asleep tangled in one another and it was blissful.

The next morning Jason was up before me, he was in the shower and I wrapped a robe around myself and was heading into the kitchen to start coffee when something odd caught my eye.

That little asshole, I thought as I noticed the camera facing the bed and the red light blinking.

I picked it up and tried to figure out the buttons, it was confusing with Jason singing horribly in the shower. I managed to flip out the screen and find playback, I was horrified by what I saw...

At first it was me, just video of my face extremely close. It would pan up and down from my hair to my chin and across my naked body, I figured Jason was being a pervert and was about to toss the camera in the shower but then the view panned out...

There next to me in bed was Jason! Who the hell was filming us if both Jason and I were in bed side by side? A cold chill ran down my spine that I haven't felt before in my entire life or after. I screamed for Jason, he stumbled and tripped on the way out of the shower barely managing to wrap himself in a towel first.

I showed him the footage and I don't think I have seen him so frightened before. We both searched the entire cabin inside and out for any way someone could enter and found nothing. We had the only key and Jason's uncle wouldn't drive hours out of the way in the dead of night just to play a sick joke... We cut our vacation short as we both knew something bad would happen if we stayed again. We packed up as fast as possible racing against daylight surely leaving some things behind. The hike back to our car was stressful as Jason constantly looked over his shoulder and kept saying someone was following us. Was he telling the truth or just scared... I don't know but I didn't stop to find out. After making it to the car we tore ass out of that place never to return.

Ever since then when Jason and I vacation... we do it in the city.

                                                                            The End

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