Chapter 13 : What?! Split up?

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We arrived at the lake and got off the bus. I made my way towards the lake to take a closer look at the beauty of it.

A lake of dark blue water but crystal clear and very beautiful in colour. The lake mirrored the blue sky and fluffy clouds above. The cool breeze hit my face and brought colour to my usually pale cheeks. MasyaAllah! The lake was so beautiful.

"MasyaAllah. It's so beautiful." Derin said while resting her elbow on my shoulder.

"I know." I smiled at her.

"Everyone! Please gather around and pay attention. I wanted to tell you guys about the activities that you're gonna be doing around here." the teacher interrupted our thoughts.

The teacher gave us the instructions and divided us into 8 groups. Each group consisted 4 members. Adam, Derin and I were in the same group. All we have to do was to find someone to join our group but everyone else seemed to have a group of their own already.

"Have you all find your group?" the teacher asked.

"No. We only have 3 members." I raised my hand and informed her.

"Don't worry. I'll join you guys." I heard Justin interrupts. Astaghfirullah! He came out of nowhere and without a second thought volunteered to join our group. What's wrong with him? Can't get enough of teasing me all day long?

"That's good. Your group is complete now." the teacher told us.

"But..." Derin covered my mouth with her hand before I could finish my sentence. What's the matter with her?

"Camila, listen to me. I know you don't want him in our group but we don't have any choice left. You guys have to work together whether you like it or not." she whispered into my ear. After a quick thought, I finally agreed with her and nodded. She let me go.

"Fine." I sighed in defeat.

"But don't make me regret this." I added.

"Alright." she rolled her eyes.

"You're in." I told Justin who was walking towards us. He looked at me and I could see him smirking from the inside. Great! What a way to start my day. I thought to myself.

The teacher instructed us to find different things in the forest and we were given only a map and a compass.

"Everyone. Please stick together and don't stray from the group. You might get lost in the forest." the teacher once again warned us before we get started.

The activity started and we were assigned to find a wooden booth that was hidden somewhere in the forest. All the groups needed to find different things in the forest according to their task and the group who finished first will get a reward. I wasn't planning on winning actually but wasn't planning on finishing last either.

After 2 hours later, we still couldn't find the wooden booth. The task was tougher than we thought. We were completely thirsty and exhausted from wondering around the forest without taking a break.

"Hey, guys! You know what? Let's just split up. That could be more easier for us to find the booth. What do you guys think?" Derin asked all of a sudden.

"Errr...I don't think that's a good idea, Derin." I objected.

"Why not, Camila? We will find the booth faster if we split up." Justin intervened. I smell something fishy about this.

"Justin's right, Camila." Adam said. What? I mean what's up with you guys anyway? I was the only one who's clearly objecting this. I didn't want to start a fight with them. So I kept it to myself.

"How about this? Derin will go with Adam. You are coming with me." Justin suggested. Hell no! I'm not gonna be alone with him in the forest.

"Wait a second. This is ridiculous!" I threw both of my hands in the air.

"Okay...unless if you wanna finish last." Justin locked his eyes to mine. Is he threatening me or something?

"Fine." I sighed, finally giving up.

"Okay." Adam said.

"Camila, please be careful with him." Adam grabbed me by the arm before we split up.

"Insyaallah." I said while giving him a convincing smile.

After that, we went our separate ways. Adam and Derin were already out of sight when I turned my back around to look at them.

"I guess you're stuck with me, little girl." he smirked.

"Whatever. Don't call me that ever again." I shot him a glare.

"Make me." he stuck his tongue out. Astaghfirullah. He's definitely gonna drive me crazy. Take me now! Please take me now!

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