Sleep Tight

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Warning: This chapter also contains some intimacy.

I went back to my house. I guessed it was about 10:50. I rang the bell, waiting for my mom to open it, but no avail. I started getting nervous, as it was so late at night. That's when I felt my phone buzz in my hand. 

I had a new message from my mom. My heart fluttered as I read it.

"Honey, your aunt Priya had an accident. We left in a hurry and went to her house to help her with Lily and Jai. We'll be back tomorrow night. Could you ask Arhaan's mom if she'll let you stay for the night?"

I closed my eyes and sighed. Little did she know that Arhaan's parents were away too. But I didn't see an option, and I didn't want to worry my parents any more than they already were. So I slowly started walking back. 

I crossed the dark park in a hurry, and before I knew it, I was back at his door. 

I knocked, my heart in my mouth.

I heard footsteps, and the door opened, revealing him shirtless.

"Oh shi-" he said, referring to his lack of clothes and his surprise at seeing me back.

"Missing me already?"

I frowned. "No. I have a problem."

He smirked. 

"I already knew that," he said. "With your attitude."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"My parents left suddenly for my aunt's place, and they think your parents are home. They want me to spend the night at yours."

He raised his eyebrows, whistling. 

"Well, we're in a tough situation, aren't we?"

I looked down. "Yes, yes. I'm sorry."

"No problem." he said suddenly. "Come on in."

He shut the door behind us. 

"Do you guys have a spare bedroom?" I asked.

He looked at me. 

"No. My brother sleeps in my parents' room, and I can't let you in there without their permission. So as awkward as it may be, I guess you're my roommate for tonight."

I shrugged. 

"I can sleep on the couch in the living room." I said, not wanting to give in.

He shrugged. "Fine. But don't come crying to me if you get uncomfortable."

I laughed, and punched him on the shoulder. "I don't cry."

"Good night." He said, coming closer to me. Before I knew what he was doing, I found myself in his arms, close to him. One of his hands gently held my waist while the other stroked my hair softly. I saw his brown eyes darken, and I gulped nervously. He started to lean in, but just as suddenly, he stepped away, and walked to his room. 

"Good night." he said, not even looking back once. 

I turned, and saw that he had left the blanket on the couch. I walked over, and remembered the events of the evening on this very couch. I pulled the blanket over me and lay down, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

.      .       .        .        .        .         .          .            .

I woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, not knowing why. It was pitch black outside, as I could see out of the window looking out over the verandah, since the curtains were not drawn. The house was shadowy and dark, eerily silent. I clutched the blanket, my hands sweaty with fear.

I'd always had this fear of ghosts and the dark, but now it intensified. 

.        .        .

Hey guys!! I know this is a short chapter, but I really need more comments and interaction from you guys. Tell me what you think of the story in the comment sections below, and make sure you vote! Thank you.

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