Chapter Three (SAMPLE)

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My Alpha Mate Got Me Pregnant And He Loves It, the eBook is launching on the 14th of June. I will share the exact time of the launch in Chapter Four. For the first week, you will get the completed fully edited and revised eBook version just under 300 pages and the old version just as I wrote it in 2012 for only 4.99 (euros and excluding taxes). Normal price is 5.49 (euros and excluding taxes). The only payment option is PayPal. This chapter as you're about to see has undergone 95% of the editing process. There is a real possibility that some grammar or spelling mistakes are still remaining. I'm sorry about that. As I'm editing this myself, some mistakes will fall through the cracks. If you see a mistake, please help a girl out and point it out for me. With that being said, I still plan to read through the entire book as a hole at least twice before I put the final product together.

Thank you for all the love and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

PS: Please excuse the spacing. This is only a problem when sharing it online.




Chapter Three

A knock on my door pulled me away from endless hours of browsing the internet. I have been trying to find a YouTube video that can explain to me how to do my make up since I have no clue what everything is, but all the videos are confusing and difficult. Seriously is contouring really necessary and what is this primer thing? I groaned in frustration when the beauty guru skipped explaining all together and moved onto the next step. Why am I even giving make up the time of my day? I have been all natural my entire life. Why do I need to try to cake my face? Sometimes I don't understand myself.

"Come in." I said, knowing full well that Damon won't come in till I respond. I giggled a little at the memory of Damon storming into my room while I was in the middle of getting dressed. He blushed a deeper shade of red than I did and that's saying something. He had tried to make a run for it, but with his eyes closed, he guessed the location of the door wrong and life did the rest. He walked away with a bloody nose and flushed face. After I crawled out of my little hole of embarrassment, I couldn't stop laughing at him. Now that is a fond memory. Damon walked into my room and made himself comfortable on my bed. I rolled my eyes and went back to searching for a beauty guru that would actually explain the steps on YouTube.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked after a minute of silence, and after I sighed about twenty times.

"I'm trying to find a tutorial that can teach me how to apply makeup, but it's hard, and I don't understand what they mean. Apparently, you need to blend in your eyeshadow. It took me a good ten minutes to figure out what that even meant!" Damon laughed and poked my puffed-out cheeks. So helpful.

"Why don't you just ask my mom to do your make up? You know she will love to help you." Why didn't I think about that? Say no more, I exited the application and without words grabbed my laptop. I clicked on the folder named Series and clicked on the episode we left off last night. Damon laid back into my bed, set the laptop at the usual place, and opened his arms. I crawled into his embrace like usual and wiggled under the blankets. Damon chuckled before leaning over me to press play.

"Previously on MasterChef Australia..." Damon and I have a problem. I discovered MasterChef by mistake one day and immediately got hooked. I naturally pulled my best friend in, and we haven't stopped watching since. We are currently on season 5. Please note that I discovered MasterChef three weeks ago. The good thing is that we acknowledge our problem.


I woke up with Damon snoring into my ears and holding me so tight in his arms that moving is out of the question. I fell asleep halfway through the elimination challenge, and Damon must have put the laptop away before climbing back in bed. I smiled as I studied my best friend. Although I would much rather prefer not waking up with a drool stain on my shirt, I wouldn't trade this moment for the world. It might be our last time. I forced the negative thoughts aside before it could be followed by more and ruin the moment and pressed my finger into Damon's side. I poked his ribs, and he simply frowned in his sleep. I poked him again, okay I punched him. Softly. Damon made a weird sound in his throat before groaning and opening his eyes with a pout.

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