Chapter 33

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I open my eyes to see the moonlight shining through a gap between the curtains which cover the window in the infirmary.

I yawn sitting up on my bed and in the silvery light I look at the clock on my side table, which reads 00:04, otherwise known as four minutes past midnight.

I let out a sigh and lie back in the bed and close my eyes trying to fall asleep however I struggle doing so and I toss and turn in the hospital bed.

Unable to fall asleep, I get up from the bed and slip my feet into my nice warm fluffy slippers and quietly leave the infirmary to walk a little bit to tire me enough to hopefully help me fall back to sleep.

I stop as I suddenly hear two voices and I wonder if I might not be the only one struggling to fall asleep.

"How could you have failed to kidnap one measly pathetic human so many times. There is just a bit more than a week left until her heat comes and she is still here," a male voice growls and I freeze where I stand realising I should not go talk to these people now.

"The Alpha is protecting her very well and she's just been very lucky," a female voice replies.

"Well her heat is almost here and her heat is almost here and when it hits the Alpha is going to be very protective of his mate and once they have mated the chances of taking her may be even lower and it won't be long after before she becomes pregnant with his heir and it becomes harder to end his reign as Alpha," the male says frustrated.

My eyes widen and I turn and run which I guess might not be the best idea when I am still weak and the place is dark and I don't have night vision. I trip on the stairs and it makes a loud noise which the people plotting to kill me probably hear and I get up and make my way up the stairs still hoping to make it to Dylan's room seeing as he can protect me.

I suddenly feel myself pinned to the ground before I make it even halfway up the stairs and I moan in pain.

"She heard us," the man says forcing me to my feet and holding me tight in his arms so I can't escape.

"Well we can't let her tell him. Let's just take her now," the female says.

"DYLAN HELP!!!!!" I scream knowing he'll hear and come help me.

"We can't just drop her and go, he'll smell us on her. Let's take her and run," the female says.

"Finally you're good for something."

I am suddenly punched in the gut and I moan in pain before I am thrown like a sack of potatoes over the man's shoulder.

They run, with their fast, definitely not human, speed, out the pack house and into the forest. I hear howls coming from behind us from Dylan and the rest of the pack who are running after them and I begin struggling to get free and kicking the man holding me.

He ignores me and keeps his hold on me, tightening it to prevent me escaping. My kicking has no effect on him however eventually my kicking exhausts me and I struggle to keep my eyes open and I fall asleep, probably making my kidnappers' job much easier for them or less annoying.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now