Chapter 69

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I feel horrible inside. I feel useless. I did not protect Sasha when she needed me most. What kind of mate am I? Granted I was forced to separate from her but I still should have kept an eye on her.

She is likely being kept in some dark cell being tortured and crying for me to save her if she can even think about her mate at all in such horrible circumstances. She is likely just barely surviving.

The memories of my torture resurface as a reminder and only make me more panicked. I have searched the entirety of their territory and have interrogated their Alpha but nothing.

My poor mate could be in a cage right now. Her brother is one of the last people in the world I would trust her with right now. He has betrayed her and I am pretty sure he is not right in the head.

She must be in so much pain and anguish. I need to feel her in my arms. It feels so wrong without her. I need her.

I need to know that my mate is okay. I have searched everywhere for her but there is no lead. Her scent has also been completely snuffed out.



Breaths come out heavy as I chase the child around the room. It laughs as if mocking me. He crawls so fast is this what having a werewolf child is going to be like. I mean it's seriously cute but I don't have the energy. I am not some super speeding, super strong  wolf person.

Do people expect too much from moms. I mean you have to feed the child, clothe the child, change its diapers and all of that and then you still have to chase it around and it won't sleep through the night.

Tears fall from my eyes as I realise my whole life is gone. I have a teenage pregnancy. I can't go back to school now. I won't get to do all the things I had dreamed about. I turn eighteen in a few months and I will be having a child. I will spend the rest of my life running after it with no life for myself.

Tears fall from my eyes as I sink to the floor and sob as despair overcomes me and I cannot stop crying.

"Sashy what's wrong?"

I feel Alex's hand against my back.

"M-my life is gone. I won't get to travel the world or anything. I am not even eighteen and I am having a child. I am already married. I have lost all freedom. I don't want to lose the rest of my life," I sob.

"There there. Its probably just the pregnancy hormones. You'll have a beautiful little pup and you'll take back all those thoughts," he says kissing my head.


"Of course and maybe little Damian will help you take care of your pup. Imagine them being playmates," he says stroking my head and tracing patterns on my still flat stomach.

I giggle, falling on my back.

"Stop Alex. It tickles," I laugh as he assaults me with his small tickles.

"Theres that pretty little smile," he says placing Damian on me.

The little boy stares at me with his precious blue eyes filled with so much innocence and life.

"Things will get better Sasha. I will always be here for you," he says.

I feel a kind of sadness at those words. He is lying to me. He has not always been here for me. He abandoned me. If he loved me so much then why did he kidnap me and lock me in a cell? Why did he torture my mate? If he loved me so much he would have saved me from my parents. He knew I felt I had nowhere to go and he was the one who made my life happy.

Thinking about it he took me out of my cell just because if the baby I am pregnant with. What if he plans to kill me once it is born? Maybe he wants to use it.

After all he has done is it even possible for him to love me? I doubt it. He only wants to make me think I am loved so I won't try return to Dylan.

If he loved me he would not have locked me up in the first place. I need to escape from here.

"Alex do you think I'm fat?"

"What? No Sasha I—"

"But the way you look at me makes me think..."

"No I don't," he says and I see the worry and panic on his face.

"I want to do some exercise. I don't want to get fatter," I sob.

"Okay. You can walk around but no going outside," he says kissing my forehead.

"Mhmm," I nod.

He takes Damian from me and I get up and leave the room. I walk away and begin exploring the castle.

I need to find a form of communication or a weapon. I just need to find a way out of here before I get taken back to my room or he gets suspicious.

I mean I can't just run. If I have learnt anything, running away makes your captor angry especially when they are a wolf and will just catch you anyway. This anger leads to you getting hurt and making escapes harder. Also each time I tried to escape I was not armed and had no back up.

I notice a room and slip inside. I see a phone and grab it and decide to hide it in my pocket. I make my way through the castle until I reach a dark area.

I take out the phone and dial Dylan's number.

"Who is this?"

I hear his voice on the other end it is rough and angry. He has obviously not been doing well with me gone.

"D-Dylan it's me—"



"Are you okay? Have they hurt you? Where are you?"

"A castle. Its apparently the Royal Castle. Dylan I have missed you so much. I plan to escape but I am afraid to be caught," I whisper.

"I'll come for you. Please just hold on. Do whatever you can to get out and to the forest line. If you can't I will find a way to get in."

"Thank you. How long will it take you to get here?"

"An hour. Please just find an exit and run. I will likely be there sooner than an hour."

I hear footsteps and hang up immediately, afraid to be heard as I hide.

Once the footsteps are gone I run out of my hiding place and begin running around blindly until I find an exit.

I slip out, hoping I won't be caught and I sprint. I run as fast as I can out of the castle towards the forest line that Dylan told me to run to.

Once in the forest I keep running.

My bones feel weak and I can't stop.

I hear a howl and I feel fear pulsing through me.

Alex probably knows I am gone. My scent is probably no longer in the castle.

I know I will be caught but keep running.

I feel arms around me.

I struggle terrified.

I don't want to go back. I'm scared.

"Shh love it's alright now."

The soothing voice of my mate whispers calmly in my ear and I wrap my arms tight around him and cry my eyes out.

Kidnapped By My Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now