36. hell for me

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One of the best things about kissing Josh is that we kiss until we run out of breath. It's as if we're both trying to make the kiss last forever. I wish that was possible. The feeling I get whenever his lips and tongue move against mine is unexplainable. It just fills me with great pleasure and turns me on. I have to remember that he's hurt and in the hospital though. I can't wait for him to be well again.

"Natalie," he says as we try to catch our breath.

I look at him. "Yeah?"

"Don't break up with me again, alright?"

I smile. "I won't." Then I kiss him as if sealing the promise.

It's a promise both to him and myself. I'm not going to try to break up with him again. I don't want to. No matter what, I'm staying by his side and if we ever do break up, which I hope not, it won't be because of me.

"Are they letting you go today?" I ask him after we pull away.

"Yes. Cassie said I should be released this evening."

I frown at the sound of her name, remembering our conversation. "I had a very unpleasant conversation with her before coming in here."

He looks at me. "With Cassie?"

I nod. "She told me she's known about us and that she heard what happened...that night between us. Oh and she also told me that Louisa's heart would be broken if she saw both of her sons fighting because of me."

"What?" He asks looking angry. "I can't believe she told you that."

"Yeah, me either." I shake my head then look at him. "I don't think she should know you and I are back together until we speak with our families."

He frowns but nods. "You're right. She might want to beat us to it." He shakes his head. "I just can't believe the person she has turned into. She can't manipulate you to leave me."

"No, she can't," I say then smile at him. "I love you too much."

His lips break into a smile. "I love hearing you say that."

I smile at him then it fades a little. "I'm so sorry for hurting you, Josh. You didn't deserve any of it." I look down. "Yesterday when I woke up next to Brad, I really thought I'd lost you."

"Yeah that wasn't a pleasant sight."

"I'm so sorry," I say looking up at him.

"It was all worth it, Natalie. Don't think about it anymore."

I smile at him gratefully then look down at our hands. "I'm going to have to move out now. I'm going to ask Crystal if she'll let me live with her until I find somewhere else to live." I was thinking about asking her anyway. Now is the time to do it. I can't live with Cassie anymore after everything she told me. She hates my guts. I can't trust her with my toothbrush.

"You don't have to do that," he says and I look up at him curiously. "Move in with me."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course." He grins. "We're telling everyone we're together soon anyway. No one will know you live with me in the meantime." He reaches to the nightstand next to the bed for his key. "And you know what? I have the spare key right here," he says as he takes the key out of the key chain and hands it to me.

I grip the key in my hand. "I love the idea," I say excitedly then kiss his lips quickly. "It has to be today though."

"Even better. I'll need someone to take care of me." He winks at me making me laugh.

There is a knock on the door then and I let his hand go and sit back on the chair as it opens. Louisa pokes her head inside with a smile. "Well you two seem to be having a lot of fun in here," she says as she walks in.

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