54. legally, emotionally, & physically

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I, Joshua Andrews, take you, Natalie Garcia, for my lawful wife to have and to hold from this day forward. You are the kindest and most caring person that I know. You make me want to be the best version of myself and I am lucky to have you as my wife. I promise to be faithful and love you every day of forever. I will stand by you to wipe away tears of joy and sadness and hold you when you need me to and even when you don't. As your husband, I am yours and I love you.

I, Natalie Garcia, take you, Joshua Andrews, for my lawful husband to have and to hold from this day forward. Falling in love with you was so easy, I didn't even realize when it happened. I am so lucky to love you and to be loved by you. You are an amazing man. I love your honor and I love how loyal you are to your family, friends, and to me. I promise to love you more every day. I promise to be faithful and care for you in good and bad times. My heart is yours. I'm yours. I can't wait to start this new life with you.

In the presence of your family and friends, I now declare you husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

The kiss was different somehow.

Maybe it was just because of all the emotions I was feeling in that moment. Maybe it was the tears in my eyes or the way Josh was looking at me. He was looking at me like I was the only person in the world. I could see his love in his eyes. I still can, right now as he makes love to me.

It had been a chaotic month full of stress and frustration but it had all been worth it. The wedding was beautiful. It was small. Just our families and close friends. I didn't find my dress until a week before the wedding though Josh said he would marry me in jeans and a T-shirt. My mother and Louisa carried most of the heavy work like setting apart the space in the beach early in the morning. A permit wasn't required but it was a first come, first serve basis. I owe them the pleasure of facing the ocean as I married the love of my life.

The weather was perfect. The view was perfect. Josh was perfect. I don't know how I hadn't seen him in a suit before. He'll definitely be wearing them more often. He had a fresh cut and the suit fitted him like a glove. He looked so handsome and sexy. We took a lot of pictures with our families, with Crystal and Brad, with Savannah and even Kevin. It wasn't hard to keep the smile on my face for the whole evening.

I cried while dancing with my dad and then again when I danced with Josh.

I'm Mrs. Andrews. I'm Josh's wife. Every time I think about it, it makes me smile. I'm so happy.

We didn't plan on going on a honeymoon until Josh brought it up. He wanted to come to Hawaii and we were both lucky to be able to get a week off at work. It went perfectly for me because it was fall break at school. We left right after the wedding.

And here we are. We barely made it inside the room with all of our clothes on. We've been here for a night and a day and we haven't even left the room.

Josh kisses me as our bodies move faster and faster. I close my eyes and give myself to him for the fourth time today. I feel him bury his face in my neck as we both come together. He kisses my neck, using his tongue. "I love you." He whispers in my ear.

I smile and open my eyes to look at him. "I love you, husband."

He chuckles as he collapses next to me. "Are you alright?"

I press my legs together and I blush when I feel a familiar pain. "I'm a bit sore. I think I'm going to need a break."

He looks at me and reaches out to touch my hair. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

I roll my eyes at him. "You didn't. Kiss me, please." I look at his lips hungrily.

He grins then leans in to kiss me tenderly. Our tongues dance together and I feel myself being turn on again. Geez. I place my hand on his chest and push him away gently. "We should stop." I laugh.

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