Get. Away.

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It ringed for a while, each ring making Peter more and more anxious.

Why won't he just answer? How long does it take to answer a phone call?? 

But after they fourth ring when it stopped ringing, all those thoughts went away.

"Hello?" Came a voice on the other end. Oh crap. I shouldn't have called him. Why did he do that? Tony would think he was a mess up. He would think Peter was an idiot to call him. He was a billionaire and genius. Hell he was Ironman. He was Tony hecking Stark!

"Peter?" Tony said again after he didn't answer. There was no turning back now, unless he hung up. But he couldn't just hang up that'd be worse. Peter's nose started to run, and he sniffled. But he wasn't crying, no tears.

"Mr. Stark..." was all he could say. He mentally face palmed. He sounded so... pathetic.

"Yes Peter it's me. What's wrong?" He could say nothing and just hang up. He could say nevermind and not bother him. But then he would have to go into foster care. He'd be in there for the rest of his life. Would he still be able to go to school?

"Can you come- can you come pick me up?" He half expected Tony to say no, but he didn't. But he didn't say yes either.

"Why? What's wrong?" Tony asked the boy. He didn't say yes. Tony didn't want to come help Peter. Peter was just some pain in the butt that he would have to clean up the mess once again. Peter heard his name being called from the hallways. They're coming.

"She- she is- I can't. I can't tell you yet. Just please.... please come and get me. And fast, they're going to take me.." they're going to take me away. Peter winched at his own voice. He had to beg him to come pick him up. God he shouldn't have had called Tony.

The phone went dead and it started beeping. He hung up on Peter. He knew he didn't want to help him but he never thought he'd hang up on him.

He heard footprints and his scrunched up. He wanted to cry, but he didn't. He just couldn't. It's not like he was fighting it he just.... didn't.

The door creaked open and Ms. Sacer walked in. Peter wanted to scream, he couldn't go there.

"Oh Kid," she said walking towards him and he sat on the ground. He flinched at the name. Don't you dare call me that. Get away from me!

He words were stuck in his throat.

"Come here. Let's get you cleaned up," she said she held a hand out for him to take but he just stared at it in disgust. She wanted him to just Corp everything and go? Now?

He literally just found out about Aunt May like fifteen minutes ago! Or at least it felt that short to him.

When he didn't grab her hand, she walked to his side and held onto his wait, forcing him up.

He stood up, but pushed her away.

"Don't touch me!" He screamed at her. She flew back and hit a stall door, making it fly open. Since the stall opened she kept going back until she hit the toilet and fell down. She fell back but the toilet seat was down. Her back hit the back of the toilet, probably bruising it.

Peter put a hand over his mouth. Holy crap. He just did that to her.

She mouth was open. What the hell just happened?

The door opened again and two men walked in. They took in the surrounding. They looked older and had a uniform that said C.W.F.C. they quickly walked up to peter grabbing both his hands.

"Move!l he screamed, pulling his arms back. He had super strength so he quickly got free. The men looked at each other before trying to grab his arms again.

Peter instead grabbed their arms and flipped them both over. One landed on its back and it made a crack noise. The other landed on its side and also made a crack.

Peter put both hands over his mouth and nose and backed up into the wall. What did he just do?


"Friday, play the Midtown School of Science security footage," Tony said and he blasted through the sky. A whole bunch of different scenes popped up in the right corner of the screen. He was almost at the school, he could see it in the distance.

Instantly Tony saw Peter in what looked like a bathroom. He was backed up into a corner and looked scared. There was two men on the ground. Someone was trying to kidnap him. He dousing see into the stall since it was a camera in the bathroom but who knows who else was there.

He blasted down the wall to the bathroom on the opposite side of Peter. The footage went away without Tony even having to say anything.

Peter whipped his head to look and saw Tony.

He came.

The softness I'm his face instantly left. He can't be here. He just hurt innocent people.

He's never hurt innocent people in his lifetime. Tony would scold him.

Tony landed and saw another girl sitting on a toilet knocked out. Her nose was bleeding. What had happened?

"Peter... what happened here?" Tony said and he double tapped his arc reactor. The suit slowly started to fade away but Tony was ready to tap it again Incase danger came.

"Go away..." Peter replied. He put his face in his hands. "Please leave. I don't... I don't want to hurt you."

Tony scrunche duo his face. Hurt him? He must be kidding.

"Kid" Peter flinched, "you could never hurt me," Tony finished. Peter put his head out of his hands. His eyes were puffy, but he wasn't crying. He didn't looked like he was crying before either.

"No. You don't understand." Peter said. Tony started to walk towards him, pity on his face. "Stark. Get away," Peter said. Tony just kept walking.

"Peter. Stop it. You're scaring me," Tony replied to the shaking child. Peter looked angry. Super angry. He glared at Tony.

"I said," peter brought up his arm. "Get. Away."

And with that, he shot his web around Tony's arm. He flung his one way, making him hit the stalls. Then he flew him the other way, making him hit the mirror hard and it statterd. Tony already had bruised everywhere and cuts everywhere. He started bleeding and glass was poked and stuck in his body.

Peter's draw dropped and he quickly moved away his hand, the web falling from his shooter. Peter backed up in the wall and hit it hard.

Tony turned to look at him, his face had an unreadable expression. Peter quickly turned and ran out of the bathroom stall.

He and to get away. He was dangerous, he hurt the people he loved.

God. Tony probably hates me. But he kept running. He used his webs to open the door and jumped over the gate. There was some people on the field, but only a few.

Peter didn't even care if they saw him. Heck, he didn't even look to see if he saw him. He just kept running, until he used his webs to swing away so he could run faster.


Woahhh. Two chapters in one day! If you read this chapter before I even post I updated on my instagram  (tmr morning. Or in about ten hrs if we have huge time differences) shout out to you! But either way I love you all.

Whatcha think? I wanna know!

-Love You All💞

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